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132                          Giardina & al.: A catalogue of plants growing in Sicily

              673. Umbilicus horizontalis (Guss.) DC., Prodr. 3: 400 (1828) [Cotyledon horizontalis
                Guss., Ind. Sem. Hort. Bocad. 1826: 4 (1826)]
                Wet cliffs, walls. – Throughout the region. – CC.
              * Graptopetalum paraguayense (N. E. Br.) E. Walter in Cact. Succ. J. (Los Angeles) 9: 108
                (1938) [Bas. Cotyledon paraguayensis N. E. Br. in Kew Bull. 1914: 208 (1914)]
                Casually naturalized native to Central America and reported in Sicily by Mazzola (1983).

              * Aeonium arboreum (L.) Webb & Berth., Hist. Nat. Iles Canaries (Phyt. Canar.) 1: 185
                (1840) [Bas. Sempervivum arboreum L., Sp. Pl.: 464 (1753)]
                Walls and rocks. – Adventive native to the Canary islands. M. Catalfano (Tineo) (Gussone 1843,
                Lojacono 1891, Mazzola 1983). Always in isolated individuals with a no naturalizing tendence.
                – NC.
              * Aeonium decorum Webb ex Bolle in Bonplandia 7: 241 (1859)
                Walls and rocks. – Adventive native to the Canary islands, reported by Mazzola (1983). – NC.
              * Aeonium haworthii Webb & Berth., Hist. Nat. Iles Canaries (Phyt. Canar.) 1: 193 (1840)
                Walls and rocks. – Casual adventive from the Canary Islands, in Sicily, reported by Siracusa V.
                M. (in Atti 2° Con. Naz. Piante mediterranee, Agrigento 2004) (Raimondo & al. 2005). – NC.

              * Aeonium gomerense (Praeger) Praeger in Proc. Roy. Irish Acad. B, 38: 473 (1929) [Bas.
                Sempervivum gomerense Praeger in Trans. Proc. Bot. Soc. Edin. 29: 205 (1925)]
                Walls and rocks. – Casually naturalized from Canary Islands, reported by Siracusa V. M. (in Atti
                2° Con. Naz. Piante mediterranee, Agrigento 2004) (Raimondo & al. 2005). – NC.

              * Aeonium  simsii (Sweet) Stearn in Gard. Chron. ser. 3, 130: 169 (1951) [Bas.
                Sempervivum simsii Sweet, Hort. Suburb. Lond. 230 (1818)]
                Walls and rocks. – Already reported as Aeonium aff. simsii by Mazzola (1983) and later con-
                firmed by the same author quoting L. Gallo (2005 in litteris) (from Conti & al. 2005). – NC.

              674.  Sedum sediforme (Jacq.) Pau, Act. Mem. Prim. Congr. Nat. Esp. Zaragoza: 246
                (1909) [Bas. Sempervivum sediforme Jacq., Hort. Bot. Vindob. 1: 34, tab. 81 (1771);
                Sedum soluntinum Tineo in Guss.; S. nicaeense All.; S. nicaeense All. var. soluntinum
                (Tineo) Arcang.; S. altissimum Poir. in Lam. (1798); S. altissimum Poir. var. nicaeense
                (All.) Nicotra; S. rupestre L. var. nicaeense (All.) Fiori; “S. rupestre L.” sensu auct. Fl.
                Sic. pro max. p. non L., Sp. Pl. 1753; S. rufescens sensu Guss. (1843) non Ten.]
                Note: a) S. albescens Haw. = S. rupestre subsp. rupestre; b) ?Sembrerebbe che S. rupestre sia
                stato indicato di Sicilia in Pignatti (1982) in sostituzione di S. sediforme] – Stony ground and
                limestone cliffs. – Throughout the region. – CC.
              675. Sedum ochroleucum Chaix in Vill., Hist. Pl. Dauph. 1: 325 (1786) [“S. reflexum”
                sensu Guss. (1827) et auct. Fl. Sic. non L. (1755); “Sedum rupestre” sensu auct. Fl. Sic.
                p.p. non L.; S. albescens Guss. (1843) non Haw. (1821); S. anopetalum DC.]
                On gypsum ground. – Girgenti, Alicata, Palma (Gussone 1827); Nicosia al Poggio di S. Miceli
                presso Case La Rosa, Milena alla Rocca Amorella, Serre di Ciminna sulla Strada Baucina-
                Ciminna km 11.5, Rocca Entella, Raffadali al M. Guastanella, Casteltermini al M. Roveto,
                Comitini Solfare 200 m a SW dalla stazione ferroviaria,  Agrigento, Realmonte sui gessi,
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