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212                          Giardina & al.: A catalogue of plants growing in Sicily

              1238. Parthenocissus tricuspidata (Siebold & Zucc.) Planchon in A. & C. DC., Monogr.
                Phan. 5: 452 (1887) [Bas. Ampelopsis tricuspidata Siebold & Zucc. in Abh. Math.-
                Phys. Cl. Königl. Bayer. Akad. Wiss. 4: 196 (1846)]
                Cultivated as ornamental. – Occasionally wild in surroundings of villas. – NC.


              1239. Tilia platyphyllos Scop., Fl. Carniol. ed. 2, 1: 373 (1771)
                Wet woods in ravines and gorges. – Messina province in the Fiumedinisi valley near the diverti-
                colo della Santissima (300 m from Santuario)!; Peloritani: Pizzo  Toscana al Soldato
                (Triscari) (Venturella & al. 1990); Peloritani al Lauro in Val Niceto (Gramuglio & al. 2001);
                S. Pier Niceto: Impeli, Serro Pagliarotto, Pizzo Sale (Picone & al. 2003); near Novara di
                Sicilia (Raimondo & al. 2004). – RR.

              1240. Tilia ×vulgaris Hayne, Darst. Beschr. Arzn. Gewächse 3: tab. 47 (1813) [T. euro-
                paea L. p.p.]
                The hybrid T. cordata × platyphyllos, cultivated as ornamental. – In mountain towns . – C.

              **Brachychiton populneum (Schott & Endl.) R. Br., Pterocymbium: 234 (1844) [Bas.
                Poecilodermis populnea Schott & Endl., Melet. Bot.: 33 (1832); Sterculia diversifolia
                G. Don]
                Cultivated as ornamental. – Widely planted in urban street and garden (Bazan & al. 2005);
                reported by Trinchieri (1908) as casually naturalized in Messina. – C.

              **Brachychiton discolor F. Muell. Fragm. (Mueller) i.1 (1858)
                Cultivated as ornamental. – Widely planted in urban street and garden. (Bazan & al. 2005). – C.

              **Brachychiton acerifolium F. Muell. Fragm. (Mueller) i. 1.(1858)
                Cultivated as ornamental. – Planted in urban street and parks( Bazan & al. 2005). - R.
              **Brachychiton ×vinicolor Guymer in Austral. Syst. Bot. 1 (3): 311 (1989)
                Cultivated as ornamental. – Rare in Palermo green areas (Bazan & al. 2005). – R.


              ** Chorisia speciosa A. St.-Hil., Pl. Usuel. Bras.: 63 (1827)
                Native to South-America and spread through the Botanical Garden of Palermo – Cultivated
                along the coast and in some smaller islands surrounding Sicily.

              1241. Malope malacoides L., Sp. Pl.: 692 (1753) var. malacoides
                Uncultivated clayey ground. –  Petralia,  Villarosa,  Alimena, Riesi, Castrogiovanni (Gussone
                1828); Messina (Arrosto) (Gussone 1834); Messina, Busambra all’Amorosa (Lojacono 1889);
                ?D: Biviere Gela, Gorghi Tondi, Lago di Pergusa (Lopriore 1900: only at species rank); ?D:
                Ponte Morello presso Caltanissetta (Barbagallo & Furnari 1970 a: only at species rank) Monti
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