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            * Opuntia tuna (L.) Mill., Gard. Dict. ed. 8: n. 3 (1768) [Bas. Cactus tuna L., Sp. Pl.: 468
               Dry localities and cliffs. – ?Naturalized (Greuter & al. 1984 b). – C.
            1356. Opuntia dejecta Salm-Dyck, Hort. Dyck.: 361 (1834)
               Dry localities and cliffs. – Native to Cuba and naturalized in the Palermo area (Raimondo & al.
               2005). – NC.
            Opuntia engelmannii Salm-Dyck, Cact. Hort. Dyck. 1849: 235 (1850)

            1357.  Opuntia engelmannii var.  linguiformis (Griffiths) B. D. Parfitt & Pinkava in
               Madroño 35 (4) (1988): 347 (1989) [Bas. O. linguiformis Griffiths in Rep. (Annual)
               Missouri Bot. Gard. 19: 270 (1908)]
               Dry localities and cliffs. – North-American naturalized in the Palermo area (Raimondo & al.
               2005) – R.
            1358. Opuntia dillenii (Ker-Gawl.) Haw., Suppl. Pl. Succ.: 79 (1819) [Bas. Cactus dillenii
               Ker-Gawl. in Bot. Reg. 3: t. 255 (1818)]
               Dry localities and cliffs. – Southern-American widely naturalized in Sicily. Da Capo Alì a
               Messina, Faro di Messina (Gussone 1845: 829); Messinese (Nicotra 1904); Siracusa (Zodda
               1929); Etna colata 1381 a Ognina (Poli & Grillo 1972); Sicilia (Mazzola 1983); M. Pellegrino
               (Raimondo ed. 1992). – C.

            1359. Opuntia stricta (Haw.) Haw., Syn. Pl. Succ.: 191 (1812) [Bas. Cactus strictus Haw.,
               Misc. Nat.: 188 (1803)]
               Dry localities and cliffs. – Native to Cuba and to South-Eastern America, naturalized in Sicily
               (Mazzola & al. 1988). – R.
            1360.  Opuntia subulata (Muhlpf.) Engelm. in Gard. Chron. 1: 627 (1883) [Bas.
               Mammillaria subulata Muhlpf. in Allg. Gartenzeitung 13: 347 (1845); Cylindropuntia
               subulata (Muhlenpf.) F.M.Knuth]
               Dry localities, roadsides, edges. –  Native to Southern-America (Cile), naturalized in Sicily
               (Mazzola & al. 1988). – R.

            * Cereus spachianus Lem., Hort. Universel 1: 225 (1839) [Trichocereus spachianus
               (Lem.) Riccobono]
               Gardens and ruins. – Exotic native to Mexico, escaped from cultivation (Mazzola 1983). Casual:
               not to be included in Sicilian flora.

            * Hylocereus triangularis Britton & Rose in Contr. U. S. Natl. Herb. 12: 429 (1909)
               Gardens and surraunding areas. – Native to Jamaica, cultivated as ornamental and casually
               spontanueous (Ccs) by Raimondo & al. (2005). Sicily (Mazzola 1983).


            1361. Lythrum salicaria L., Sp. Pl.: 446 (1753)
               Ditches edges, rivers, marshes. – Throughout the region. – C.

            1362. Lythrum junceum Banks & Solander in Russell, Nat. Hist. Aleppo ed. 2, 2: 253
               (1794) [L. graefferi Ten.]
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