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78                           Giardina & al.: A catalogue of plants growing in Sicily

                Sicilia); Monte S. Salvatore (Lojacono 1904); Mangalavite a Grappidà (Zodda 1908);
                Marettimo: Cimitero, per Punta Troia, per Punta Bassano, Pizzo Campana (Francini & Messeri
                1956); Catania a S. Giorgio e Santalanea (Borruso 1960: sub  P. peploides); Madonie: Piano
                Battaglia (Raimondo 1980); Madonie Portella Colla, M. S. Giuliano, Nebrodi Femmina Morta
                (Raimondo & al. 2004). – NC.

              344. Loeflingia hispanica L., Sp. Pl.: 35 (1753)
                Sandy meadows. – Comiso, Terranova, Vittoria (Gussone 1827); Biviere Gela (Lopriore 1900);
                Comiso, Gela,  Vittoria (Lojacono 1904); Linosa e ?Lampedusa (Raimondo & al. 1994);
                Niscemi! – R.

              345. Spergula arvensis L., Sp. Pl.: 440 (1753) [incl. S. vulgaris Boenn.]
                Fields, uncultivated sandy places. – Scattered everywhere in the region. – NC.

              * Spergula morisonii Boreau in Duch., Rev. Bot. 2: 424 (1847)
                Reported by Pignatti (1982), but excluded by  Raffaelli (1983).

              346. Spergula pentandra L., Sp. Pl.: 759 (1753) non L., Fl. Angl.: 16 (1754) [S. moriso-
                nii auct. non Boreau.]
                Fields, uncultivated sandy places. – Madonie (Gasparrini), Etna ai M. Rossi (Tineo) (Lojacono
                1889); Madonie e Iblei (Tineo) (Raffaelli 1983); Linosa (Sommier 1907) su campione probabil-
                mente da attribuire a S. flaccida (Raffaelli 1983); Madonie near Castelbuono (Raimondo & al.
                2004). Anche a ?Catania (Jalas & Suominen 1972-94, 6: map 992). – RR.

              * Spergula fallax (Lowe) E. H. L. Krause in Sturm, Deutschl. Fl. ed. 2, 5: 19 (1901) [Bas.
                Spergularia fallax Lowe in Hooker’s J. Bot. Kew Gard. Misc. 8: 289 (1856)]
                Cultivated siliceous ground. – Linosa (Sommier 1908)on a specimen probably to be referred to
                S. flaccida (Raffaelli 1983). To be excluded from the region.

              347. Spergula flaccida (Roxb.) Asch. in Verh. Bot. Vereins Prov. Brandenburg 30: 311
                (1889) [Bas. Arenaria flaccida Roxb., Fl. Ind. 2: 447 (1832)]
                Uncultivated dry ground. – Only at Linosa (Aiuti FI, FI-W, PAL; Sommier FI; Zodda FI)  hills
                and near the village (Raffaelli 1983) dai colli e dalle adiacenze dell’abitato. – RR.

              348. Spergularia maritima (All.) Chiov. in Ann. Bot. (Rome) 10: 22 (1912)  [Bas.
                Arenaria maritima All., Auct. Syn. Stirp. Horti Taur.: 35 (1773); Syn. (at the rank of
                subsp.) S. marginata var. vulgaris Clavaud; S. salina J. & C. Presl var. marginata (DC.)
                Čelak.; Syn. (at the rank of sp.) Arenaria marginata DC. nom. illeg.; A. marina All. non
                (L.) Pall. nom. illeg.; A maritima All.; A. media auct. vix L., nom. dubium & ambig.;
                Spergula marginata (Kittel) Murb.; Spergularia marginata Kittel; Spergularia media
                auct. vix (L.) C. Presl.]
                Salt ground. – Messina (Jalas & Suominen 1972-94, 6: map 998); ?Siracusa (Zodda 1929);
                ?Treated doubtfully by Gussone (1832: 130). – RR.

              349. Spergularia tunetana (Maire) Jalas,  Ann. Bot. Fenn. 20 (2): 110 (1983) [Bas.
                Spergula tunetana Maire in Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. Afrique N. 32: 205 (1941)]
                SE – Salt ground. – First reported in Sicily by Monnier (1975) as North-Tunisian topodem of S.
                marginata (DC.) Kittel. Later reported by Pignatti (1982: sub ?S. media (L.) C. Presl), but with-
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