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84                           Giardina & al.: A catalogue of plants growing in Sicily

                more. Found again at Linosa: Montagna Rossa, Fossa Cappellano (Brullo & Marcenò 1979 b).
                – RR.

              379. Silene coeli-rosa (L.) Godr. in Gren. & Godr., Fl. France 1: 221 (1847) [Bas.
                Agrostemma coeli-rosea L., Sp. Pl.: 436 (1753); Lychnis coeli-rosa DC.; Eudianthe
                coelirosa (L.) Reichenb.]
                Grazing land, uncultivated ground. – Everywhere in the region. – CC.

              380. Silene nicaeensis All.,  Auct. Syn. Meth. Stirp. Hort. Reg.  Taur.: 88 (1774) var.
                nicaeensis [Incl. “var. b.” Guss. (1827: 505)]
                 Maritime sands. – Everywhere in the  costland. – CC.

              381. Silene nicaeensis var. perennis Maire in Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. Afrique N. 23: 170
                Maritime sands. – Until now found only at Torre Manfria (Brullo & al. 1998). – RR.
              382. Silene nocturna L., Sp. Pl.: 416 (1753) subsp. nocturna
                Fields, dry uncultivated ground, pastures. – Everywhere in the region. – CC.
              383. Silene nocturna subsp. neglecta (Ten.) Arcang., Comp. Fl. Ital.: 88 (1882) [Bas. S.
                neglecta Ten., Fl. Neapol. Prodr. App. 5: 13 (1826); S. reflexa Auct. non (L.) Aiton p.p.;
                S. neglecta Ten. var. a = S. neglecta var. erecta Ten. emend. H. Ross; S. neglecta var
                diffusa Ten. emend. H. Ross]
                Fields, dry uncultivated ground, pastures. – Milazzo, Patti, Olivieri, Nicosia (Gussone 1827:
                sub S. neglecta, without infraspecific distinction; Ustica, Favignana, Pantelleria (Gussone
                1832); Linosa (Zwierlein) (Lojacono 1885); Madonie, Eolie (Ross 1892); Pantano Catania e
                Simeto fino a Paternò (Lopriore 1900: sub S. reflexa Aiton); Capo d’Orlando, Mirto, Isole
                Eolie, Ustica, Pantelleria, Linosa (Ross 1892); Pantelleria (Ross 1906); Pantelleria: dapper-
                tutto (Di Martino 1963); Noto, SS Noto Rosolini sul  Tellaro, Monterosso Almo, Lentini
                (Bartolo & al. 1982); Monti Sicani: Chiusa Sclafani (Marcenò & al. 1985); Lampedusa
                (Bartolo & al. 1988); M. Pellegrino (Raimondo ed. 1992); Enna al Castello di Lombardia
                (Di Martino 1994); Castello di Lipari (Di Martino 2000); Monte Pellegrino, Monte Scuderi
                (Raimondo & al. 2004). – N.C.

              384. Silene gallica L., Sp. Pl.: 417 (1753), emend. Greuter (1995) nom. cons. [S. lusitani-
                ca Guss. non L.; S. giraldii Guss., Enum. Pl. Inarim.: 36, t. 1, f. 2 (1855)]
                Fields, uncultivated land, pastures, preferably on siliceous ground. – Everywhere in the region.
                – CC.
              385. Silene bellidifolia Juss. ex Jacq., Hort. Bot. Vindob. 3: 44, tab. 81 (1777) [S. vesper-
                tina Retz.; S. hispida Desf.; S. pseudocinerea Lojac. (1909)]
                Uncultivated land and slightly wet groung. – Everywhere in the region. – C.

              * Silene sericea All., Fl. Pedem. 2: 81 (1785)
                Uncultivated ground, fields, pastures. – Reported only once for Vendicari and Pantano Longarini
                (Bartolo & al. 1982), and never confirmed. To be cancelled.

              386. Silene colorata Poir.,  Voy. Barbarie 2: 163 (1789) [“S. sericea” sensu Guss. aut
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