Page 5 - cappucci_egadi2015
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Mediterranean coasts at threat:
                                  Hazards and challenges in the context of climate variability

In addition, thanks to the results of the present investigation, the city council of
Favignana in 2013, moved the gas station from the harbour to a new and safer site
located in the central part of the Island in order to reduce traffic and potential risk of
contamination of marine sediment.

Thanks to M. Ferrini and A. Scopettuolo for grain size and chemical analysis carried out
at the Laboratory for the Exploitation of Raw Materials and Groundwater Fluids, Univ.
of Rome “La Sapienza”, and C. Cremisini, G. Armiento, C. Ubaldi and P. Massanisso
for hydrocarbon and TBT analytical tests carried out at UTTPRA laboratory of ENEA.

5. References
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EPA - Environmental Protection Agency- (2005). Contaminated Sediment Remediation
Guidance for Hazardous Waste Sites. Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response,
EPA-540-R-05-012, 236 p.
IMO -International Maritime Organization- (2000). Specific Guidelines for Assessment
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Hafenbautechnische Gesellschaft e.V. (HTG)
MAFFIOTTI A., BONA F. (1997). Metodi per la selezione delle aree di
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MUNASINGHI M. (1998). Climate change decision making. Intl. J. of Environment
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