Page 45 - climate-change2013
P. 45

4. Using decision support tools for             6. Building a Mediterranean moni-
          adaptive management and dialogue                toring framework that incorporates
                                                          the variety of MPAs’ situations
          Decision support tools for MPA managers, such as vul-
          nerability and risk assessments, strategic habitat conser-  Designing a suitable monitoring programme that accommo-
          vation approaches and scenario planning, can be cre-  dates the various degrees of complexity in Mediterranean
          ated in pilot projects to help improve the understanding   MPAs and takes into account the current monitoring efforts
          of adaptation options and assist decision making under   in the region at several levels is a complicated task that will
          uncertain conditions. Existing knowledge should be col-  need several phases of development. Individual MPAs should
          lated, the climate analysed and data integrated to pro-  make use of existing local monitoring programmes and the
          duce readily usable information, which can help manag-  indicators of climate change described above as a relatively
          ers to rapidly assess climate change impacts, facilitate   inexpensive way of starting to collect information to support
          the adaptation of individual species, increase habitat   adaptive management. The various research and govern-
          resilience and identify pressures that may conflict with   ment agencies involved in monitoring in each particular re-
          ecosystem needs.                                gion should work together to increase the efficiency of moni-
                                                          toring activities involving MPAs.
          As climate change models become more precise through
          the acquisition of local and regional information, the mod-  A number of MPA ‘sentinel sites’ in specific Mediterranean re-
          elling of different scenarios could help describe the vary-  gions could be established to monitor climate change impacts
          ing vulnerabilities of the MPA network. These results, to-  and responses in more detail. These sentinel sites could per-
          gether with knowledge of the direct and indirect effects of   haps be selected because they occupy important locations,
          climate change, will help to determine the range of possi-  are involved in current collaborative projects with research
          ble mitigation measures and adaptive strategies in MPAs.  institutions, are the subject of historical data, or display higher
                                                          resilience or greater vulnerability to climate change impacts.
          Collaboration and dialogue with research groups and
          other institutions can provide guidance  on  conducting   At the MPA network level, further discussion will be needed
          assessments and reporting, and can encourage other   on how information should be brought together and ana-
                                                          lysed. Findings and results will need to be fed back to the
          stakeholders to become involved in effectively managing   MPAs. There, the focus should be on examining how this in-
          MPAs in a changing climate.
                                                          formation is to be followed up and what actions should be
                                                          taken at local level.
          5. Increasing awareness
          and information                                 7. Sharing experiences

          Communicating the benefits of MPAs, their vulnerabilities   The final key action area consists of reporting on the pro-
          and expected future changes can motivate stakehold-  gress achieved in adaptive management in response to the
          ers (the public and nature resource managers) to take   challenges of climate change, sharing management experi-
          part in planning efforts and actions to mitigate impacts.   ences, and thereby increasing our understanding of climate
          Protected area information centres should inform visitors   responses and effects at local levels. These actions are key to
          about what climate change means and what effect it may   the success of the Mediterranean MPA network in mitigating
          have on the MPA.                                the impact of climate change.

          Moreover, raising awareness among local residents and   The results of these efforts will help to increase awareness
          MPA users is vitally important, and involving them in mon-  and understanding of present and future impacts and high-
          itoring activities can be an effective way to engage com-  light ways of working together in a more strategic, efficient
          munities and raise their awareness of climate change.   and less costly manner.

                                                                               Medes Islands MPA. Photo: J. A. González Nieto

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