Page 60 - ebsaws-2014-03
P. 60
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much wider); 87: Potential important suitable habitat for small pelagics (V. Agostini); 88:
Important suitable habitat for small pelagics (V. Agostini).
Fig. 4-22. Tunisian Plateau. Important habitat for threatened species: 45: Loggerhead turtles
(P. Casale); 46: Loggerhead turtles (P. Casale); 50: Short-beaked common dolphins
(ACCOBAMS - Note: area may be much wider than that).
Fig. 4-23 . Tunisian Plateau. Lophelia and Madrepora reefs: 74: Urania Bank, Linosa Trough,
off Malta (Freiwald et al. 2009; note: important area may be spread much wider, and extend to
other banks and abundant seamounts).