Page 6 - qe-07-16-088
P. 6
Presentation of the islands
Located in the Atlantic, Île d’Yeu the north and Port de la Meule,
is an island and a municipality, located in this rocky inlet of the
just off the Vendée coast of southern granite coast, have
western France. With a surface been famous for the fishing of
area of 23 km2, the island has tuna and lobster. However, the
4 600 inhabitants. Around decline of fishing activities is
10km long with an average pushing Ile d’Yeu’s community
width of 4km, its surface area toward the development of
is around 23km2. The island’s tourism, renewable energy and
two harbours, Port-Joinville in the digital economy.
The Balearic Islands are on subsistence farming to one
located in the middle of the based on tourism. However,
Mediterranean Sea, and have the Balearic Islands are facing
a population of 1.120 million. saturation of the traditional
Majorca is the largest island in tourism model. The answer is to
the archipelago which has a diversify tourism by exploiting
total surface area of 4492km2. digital and new technologies.
The island’s capital, Palma, is also The objective is to make the
the capital of the autonomous islands more competitive by
community of the Balearic boosting the economy using
Islands. Since the 1970s, the innovation, particularly in the
archipelago’s economy has digital economy.
diversified from a model based
Located in western Sicily, technique of “tonnara”, which
the Egadi Islands are an involved the trapping and
archipelago of 37.45km2 “mattanza” (culling) of Bluefin
made up of three main islands tuna.
(Favignana, Levanzo and Essentially based on tourism
Marettimo) and two islets and fishing, the economy is
(Formica and Maraone). The driven by the Egadi Marine
main municipality, Favignana, Protected Area (MPA),
includes the three islands of established by the government
Favignana, Marettimo and and managed since 2001 by
Levanzo. Favignana is the the Municipality of Favignana.
largest of the three main Egadi It is the largest marine reserve
Islands, with a surface area of in the Mediterranean and has
19.8km2 and a population of shaped a local policy which
4230 (31st december 2015). The aims to extend the tourist
island is famous for its caves of season, repopulate the island
calcarenite rock (locally known and boost the economy.
as “tufo”) and the ancient fishing