Page 46 - wg308_inf11_eng
P. 46
Critical Habitat Notes including justification for its importance as Critical Habitat Size (Total/ proposed for
protection/zoning) + Location
Capo Testa-Punta Falcone MPA, Located within the Pelagos Sanctuary for Mediterranean Marine Mammals, this nearshore area was recommended for
proposed protection for ecological (not specifically cetacean) reasons. More research is needed to determine cetacean habitat use within
as well as all around this area.
Maddalena Archipelago Rationale is not stated but not specifically cetaceans. Research on cetaceans includes photo-ID studies of bottlenose dolphins,
(Arcipelago della Maddalena) as well as basic abundance and distribution (tracking) studies. There is a basic inventory of the biological, cultural and other
National Park with proposed features of the proposed MPA, and a zoning study has been conducted to determine how the area should be managed.
marine extension, in process of
Nature Trust have received LIFE funds and are managing the project starting with an inventory in 2004 (undertaken by PJ
Dwejra Marine Conservation Area Schembri, Marine Institute, Univ of Malta) and work on conservation and zonation to start in 2005, followed in 2006–7 by
guiding and use of a warden; final zonation will depend on the data collected. Research will define dolphin habitat needs.
Rationale is partly that this is feeding and breeding habitat for bottlenose and short-beaked common dolphins. Proposed 1991
Cirkewwa Marine Conservation by the planning authority of Malta; monitoring and research underway to define dolphin habitat; Nature Trust has been 3 sq km
Area, proposed appointed partners with Malta Environment Protection Authority on the project. Conservation area would need to be greatly
expanded to function as an effective MPA for dolphin habitat protection.
Delimara Marine Conservation Cetacean records are mainly based on strandings; more work needs to be done to see if this area includes cetacean habitat.
Area, proposed
Israeli Mediterranean Coast Inshore T.truncatus dolphin population
TUNISIA Inshore dolphin populations; 3rd highest density in the Med at 0.19 per sq km 750 sq km
Tunisian waters MPA proposals
La Galite MPA and SPAMI** MPA in national and high seas waters which may include bottlenose dolphin habitat.
Zembra and Zembretta MPA and MPA in national and high seas waters which may include bottlenose dolphin habitat.
Kneiss MPA and SPAMI** MPA in national and high seas waters which may include bottlenose dolphin habitat.
LIBYA Critical habitats need to be identified but T. truncatus (?) reportedly abundant close to shore.
Tursiops habitats off Libya