Page 7 - KWT Aug 2712 ESTRATTO
P. 7


                                                           Opposite page, clockwise
                                                           from top left: One of the
                                                           region’s many caves;
                                                           Yellow wildflowers on the
                                                           coast; Marettimo grocery
                                                           shop; Fishermen on
                                                           Favignana Island.

Images: Getty Images; Corbis / Arabian Eye                 hang across open doorways you can hear the snoozing           Livolso, on his boat Ricciola. Resplendent in gold neck
   Linda Cookson / The Independent / The Interview People  of their fishermen owners, back from a night at sea.           chain, baseball cap and a T-shirt that said ‘Under Fire.
                                                           Silent porcelain Madonnas gaze down from quaintly tatty       Under Pressure. Out of Time’ (in Marettimo? You’ve got
                                                           shrines on street corners (a reminder that you’re in Italy    to be kidding, Salvatore), he steered us cheerily past
                                                           after all). The only regular bursts of noise are horn-blasts  dramatic limestone cliffs and into a succession of grottos
                                                           from the fruit and vegetable cart and a bizarre little        and caves that glowed eerily green in the half-light.
                                                           hardware truck peddling buckets and dusters.
                                                                                                                            Grotta del Cammello is marked by a rock at the
                                                              This is not the place to come if you crave action, but     entrance that looks like a camel’s head (if you squint very
                                                           Marettimo’s clear waters teem with colourful life, a dream    hard from a particular angle). But being in an open boat
                                                           for scuba-divers. It’s also great for walkers. There’s a      on turquoise water, watching gulls scud across the rock
                                                           spectacular mountainous hinterland, dominated by Monte        face and sunbeams toss iridescent spangles across the
                                                           Falcone (686m) and criss-crossed by rough footpaths and       waves is honestly more than enough.
                                                           mule tracks. A really gentle stroll, through pine groves
                                                           studded with screens of oleander and geraniums, takes            In the end, what I liked doing best on Marettimo was
                                                           you up to Casa Romane, a plateau above the town where         simply hanging out. Evenings are livelier than daytimes,
                                                           the ruins of an old Roman garrison sit cheek by jowl with     with plenty of restaurants – but, be aware, evening meal
                                                           a deserted 12th-century chapel.                               prices are not cheap. Both Il Pirata (the island’s oldest
                                                                                                                         restaurant, decked out with pirate flags) and the more
                                                              As I looked down over the harbour from the ruins           modest La Scaletta (on a terrace near the Scala Nuovo)
                                                           and watched distant ferries leaving trails like skeins of     charge €40 per head for four-course fish suppers,
                                                           milk across the water, I was mesmerised by the dreamy         expensive by most small-island standards.
                                                           scent of wild herbs. Thyme and oregano predominate:
                                                           Marettimo’s modern name comes from the Italian for sea           For travellers on a budget (or non fish-eaters), there’s
                                                           (mare) and thyme (timo).                                      the fantastic La Cambusa delicatessen, a treasure trove
                                                                                                                         packed with gorgeous meats, cheeses and freshly cooked
                                                              A highlight of any visit is taking a boat trip round the   local specialities such as caponata (a stew of aubergines,
                                                           island. Although Marettimo is small (six miles by two),       olives, tomatoes and capers). And Marettimo’s lounges
                                                           the rugged coastline has countless caves and grottos,         also offer good value. My favourite was the unpretentious
                                                           as well as – to the north-west of the town – an imposing      Tramontana, set on the sea wall above the old harbour
                                                           17th-century Spanish castle perched on a hill on the Punta    (Scala Vecchio). It has tiled tables, friendly local clientele
                                                           Troia promontory. It was restored last year, prompting a      and a great line in free canapés. Sipping fresh tipples at
                                                           massive island knees-up. On the west coast, there’s a cute    sunset while watching the castle on Punta Troia morph
                                                           whitewashed lighthouse, the Faro di Punta Libeccio.           into a raven-shaped silhouette was just magical.

                                                              Local fishermen operate trips most days in high season.        As Fausto had promised me when I arrived – Marettimo
                                                           The one I joined was organised by the affable Salvatore       knows how to cast its spell.

                                                                                                                         August 2012 Kanoo World Traveller 53
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