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Arms and armour

Dario Calomino reports that the
discovery of bronze rostra in the
waters of Messina and Levanzo
provides new evidence of naval
Iwarfare at the time of the Punic Wars

      n the north-eastern corner of        1. Map of Sicily                                        general of Octavian’s army, gained a        exhibition in Messina (3), before being
      Sicily, along the Tyrrhenian         showing Messina                                         crucial victory over Sextus Pompey, the     shipped to Palermo for conservation
      coast of Messina (the ancient        (north-eastern corner)                                  son of Pompey Magnus, rival of Caesar       and analysis. This is the most sensa-
      Greek city of Zankles, founded       and the Egadi Islands                                   during the first Civil War. Sextus is also  tional of an impressive series of rostra
by colonists from Chalcis in the 8th       (off the north-western                                  remembered by ancient authors for his       finds that have enhanced the maritime
century BC), is a small seaside village    corner).                                                acts of piracy off Sicily against Rome.     archaeological heritage of Sicily in the
                                                                                                                                               last few years.
Acqualadroni, which means ‘the water 2. ’Ram fishing’:                                               On 8 September 2008 an extraor-
of thieves’ (1). Its name recalls the time recovering the rostrum                                  dinary discovery was made by a                A rostrum was a heavy naval ram
when these waters were infested by from the sea.                                                   group of scuba-divers of the Messina        positioned on the galley prow (cover-
Saracen pirates in the 17th-19th centu-                                                            Coastguard off Acqualadroni, about          ing the intersection between the keel
ries but, even well before this in Greek   3. The Acqualadroni                                     350m from the coast at a depth of           and the stem) and designed to crash
and Roman times, pirate galleys used       ram, partially                                          7.20m: a bronze naval rostrum in per-       into the hull of another ship at high
to sail across the Strait of Messina (the  submerged in water,                                     fect condition, about 2m long and           speed in order to sink it. The struc-
3.2km channel dividing Sicily from         on show at Palazzo                                      weighing 300kg (2), was found on            ture is normally composed of a vertical
Reggio Calabria, the most southern tip     Zanca in Messina in                                     the seabed. It was recovered by the         part, fixed to the lower side of the stem,
of the Italian ‘boot’) and board mer-      February 2009.                                          Maritime State Antiquity Service,           and of a horizontal underwater prolon-
                                                                                                   the Soprintendenza Archeologica             gation, the ramming head itself. The
chant ships.                                                                                       del Mare, guided by Professor               name recalls the Latin motto ‘unguibus
Between Acqualadroni and Capo                                                                      Sebastiano Tusa, in cooperation with        et rostro’ (‘with claws and beak’; or ‘by
Rasocolmo (a few kilometres west), a                                                               the Guardia Costiera.                       any means’).
thousand-year-old passage of strate-
gic importance, one of the naval bat-                                                                After cleaning and desalinisa-              It was known as a ‘beak’ because
tles that decided the fate of the Roman                                                            tion, it was displayed in a temporary       of its function as offensive weapon in
Republic is supposed to have taken
place on 3 September 36 BC. The site,                                                              3

known as Naulochus (in ancient Greek:
‘shelter for boats’) is where Agrippa,


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