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G. Bartolo & S. Pulvirenti
A check-list of Sicilian orchids
Bartolo, G. & Pulvirenti, s.: A check-list of Sicilian orchids. - Bocconea 5: 797-824. 1997. -
ISSN 1120-4060.
A check-list of Sicilian Orchids, based on literature records and herbarium material, is pre-
sented, using a fully updated nomenclature and taxonomy. Two lists include ali taxa (90 spe-
cies and subspecies) and nothospecies (59) known to occur in Sicily and on the adjacent small
islands. Ophrys (34 non-hybrid taxa) and Orchis (21) are the largest genera. For each taxon
the main synonymy and the distribution within Sicily (in terrns of provinces, mountain mas-
sifs and small islands) are given; the latter being documented by numerical references to the
relevant sources. CriticaI and doubtfully present taxa, and those that have been reported in
error, are listed separately.
In this paper, we have endeavoured to draw up a list including all taxa of orehids so far
reeorded from Sieily. Several earlier papers give lists of Sieilian orehids, including syn-
onymies, deseriptions and reeords of the loeal distribution. The first to be published was
Todaro's (1842) Orchideae siculae, followed by more substantial works as those of Gus-
sone (1844-1845) and Tornabene (1887). More reeently Lojaeono (1908-1909) listed the
orehids oeeurring in Sieily on the basis of both herbarium and literature data. Sinee then
only minor eontributions, eoneerning either few speeies or inventorying limited territo-
ries, have been published.
In establishing an updated list of taxa (speeies and subspeeies) and nothotaxa of or-
ehids oeeurring in Sieily and on the neighbouring islands, we have eonsidered both litera-
ture data and unpublished reeords from our personal herbarium. For eaeh taxon, the main
synonyms and distribution pattern in Sieily are given.
The following genera are represented in the Sieilian flora: Aceras, Anacamptis, Barlia,
Cephalanthera, Coeloglossum, Dactylorhiza, Epipactis, Gymnadenia, Himantoglossum,
Limodorum, Listera, Neotinea, Neottia, Ophrys, Orchis, Platanthera, Serapias, and Spir-
anthes. The number of speeies and subspeeies is 90, that of hybrids, 59. Ophrys with 34
taxa and Orchis with 21 taxa (hybrids excluded) are the largest genera.