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           Finite element modelling
of the recent-present deformation pattern

              in the Calabrian are
           and surrounding regions

                              Dario Albarello, Enzo Mantovani and Marcello Viti
                            Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Università di Siena, ltaly


An attempt is made to quantify the implications of the hypothesis that the recent-present deformation pattem
in the Calabrian are and the adjacent African margin is mainly determined by horizontal tectonic forces in-
duced by the relative convergence of the confining blocks (Africa and Adriatic). Modelling of present-day tec-
tonic processes is carried out by means of a 2D finite element scheme involving elastic shells in a piane stress
approximation. On the assumption that tectonic processes are strongly influenced by the presence of major dis-
continuities, the model includes zones where most deformations can concentrate. Convergent and divergent
boundaries are simulated by narrow belts having elastic parameters lower than those in the surrounding re-
gions. Transform boundaries are reproduced by orthotropic elements. Kinematic boundary conditions are im-
posed to simulate the relative convergence between Africa and the Adriatic. Numerical experiments show that
this convergence causes the lateral escape of crustal wedges in the Calabrian are and the adjacent African mar-
gin (Sicily). The resulting microplate kinematics can account for the complex distribution of compressional,
tensional and transcurrent deformations actually observed.

Key words geodynamic modelling - finite ele-                     Ben, 1986; Bigi et al., 1989; Van Dijk and
ments- Mediterranean                                             Okkes, 1991; Reuther et al., 1993).

l. Introduction                                                      The distribution of recent (Quatemary)
                                                                 compressional, tensional and transcurrent fea-
    The eastemmost sector of the Maghrebian                      tures delineates a strong lateral heterogeneity
belt, with the related Iblean foreland zone, and                 of the strain field. The central sector of the
the Calabrian are (fig. l) has been affected by                  Sicily Channel has been affected by a SW-NE
intense tectonic activity during the recent evo-                 extension in the framework of strike slip tec-
lution, as indicated by neotectonic deforma-                     tonics (see, Celio et al., 1985; Finetti and Del
tions, intense seisrnicity and volcanism (see,                   Ben, 1986). Sinistra! transpressional move-
e.g., Barbano et al., 1978; Beccaluva et al.,                    ments are observed along the Egadi fault (EF
1982; Cristofolini et al., 1985; Finetti and Del                 in fig. l) separating the Adventure block (AD)
                                                                 from the adjacent Maghrebian belt (Reuther
    Mailing address: Dr. Dario Albarello, Dipartimento di        et al., 1993), and along the Sciacca fault (SF),
Scienze della Terra, Settore di Geofisica, Università di         between the Adventure block and the Gela basin
Siena, Via Banchi di Sotto 55, 53100 Siena, Italy; e-mail:       (GB). A system of dextral transform faults                                         (Comiso-Scicli, CF) is observed at the bound-
                                                                 ary between the lblean block (IB) and the Gela
                                                                 basin (Antonelli et al., 1988; Argnani et al.,

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