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Dario Albarello, Enzo Mantovani and Marcello Viti

                   AFRICAN FORELAND

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                2 3 4 5 67

Fig. l. Tectonic sketch of the zone considered (from Finetti and Del Ben, 1986; Reuther et al., 1993 modi-
fied). l) Escarpments; 2, 3, 4) major tensional, transcurrent and compressional features; 5) thrust fronts;
6) Tyrrhenian and Ionian bathial plains and troughs in the Sicily Channel; 7) emerged lands. AD = Adventure

plateau; SF =Sciacca fault; CF =Comiso-Scicli fault; EF =Egadi fault; GB =Gela block; VF =Vulcano fault;
CN = Caltanissetta nappe; CZ = Catanzaro fault; IB = lblean plateau; LG = Linosa graben; MG = Malta
graben; PF = Palinuro fault; PG = Pantelleria graben; SE = Syracuse escarpment.

1987; Reuther et al., 1993). Compressional de-            tivity is not clearly recognized, represents a
formation, roughly oriented SSE-NNW, has af-              morphological-structural boundary between the
fected the Caltanissetta nappe (CN), over-                lblean continental shelf and the thinned Ionian
thrusting the Gela basin (see, Cristofolini et al.,       basin. Dextral transpressional activity along the
1985; Ben Avraham and Grasso, 1990). The                  Vulcano fault (VF), a11owing the relative mo-
Syracuse escarpment (SE), whose present ac-               tion between the Calabrian are and the Iblean

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