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Finite element modelling of the recent-present deformation pattern in the Calabrian are and surrounding regions

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on the model are accommodated by the lateral                           Sicily Channel, in Proceedings 74th Congr. Soc. Geo!.
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produces the distribution of recent-present                       ARGNANI, A. (1993): Neogene basins in the Strait of Sicily
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                 Acknowledgements                                 BARBANO, M.S., M.T. CARROZZO, P. CAVERNI, M.
                                                                       COSENTINO, G. FONTE, F. GHISETTI, G. LANZAFAME,
    We are grateful to Profs. P. Gasperini and
R. Sabadini for a criticai reading of the                              G. LOMBARDO, G. PATANÈ, M. RIUSCETTI, L. TOR-
manuscript and for fruitful suggestions. This                          TORICI and L. VEZZANI (1978): Elementi per una carta
research has been supported by the National
Research Council (CNR-GNDT), the Agenzia                               sismotettonica della Sicilia e della Calabria Meri-
Spaziale Italiana (ASI) and the Ministry of Re-                        dionale, Mem. Soc. Geo!. lt., 19, 681-688.
search and Education (MURST).                                     BARONE, A., A. FABBRI, S. ROSSI and R. SARTORI (1982):
                                                                       Geologica! structure and evolution of the marine areas
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