Page 8 - 05 albarello
P. 8

Dario Albarello, Enzo Mantovani and Marcello Viti

Fig. 4. Model adopted for finite element computations. Small letters identify <<stable areasĀ» (see text for ex-
planation). Numbers identify the zones (tectonic discontinuities) where elastic parameters are considerably
lower than those in the surrounding regions. Shear zones, where motions parallel to the fault are greatly privi-
leged, are identified by black bands: l) Egadi fault; 2) Sciacca fault; 3) Comiso-Scicli fault; 4) Malta fault;
5) Volcano fault; 6) Catanzaro fault; 7) Palinuro faults. Shaded bands try to simulate microplate borders, where
underthrusting processes or tensional deformations take place. This kind of boundaries allow convergent and
divergent motions between the adjacent blocks: 8) Adventure; 9) Northern Sicily; 10) Caltanissetta nappe;
11) Southern Sicily; 12) Pantelleria; 13) Linosa; 14) Medina; 15) Interna! Calabria; 16) External Calabria.
Roman numerals indicate the sectors of the borders where different kinematic boundary conditions have been
applied (see text for details). Capitai letters identify the crustal wedges cited in the text: AD = Adventure;

GB = Gela; IB = Iblean; SC = Southern Calabria; NC = Northern Calabria. Dashed lines contour the zone which

has been considered for the comparison between the results of numerica! experiment and observations.
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