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Lower Pleistocene deposits in east part of the Favignana ... 163
were already noted by D’ALESSANDRO et al,. Fig. 11. continued - Facies Association D. a) Vertical stacking of subhorizontal and
(1993) in the Bradano Trough (South Apen- low-angle laminated calcarenites with abundant vertical burrows (s) and pervasive
nines). In several places, calcarenites beds bioturbated horizons (b). Penknife (white) is 6 cm long. Cala Calamoni, abandoned
are cut by faults, some of which become quarry on west outskirts of the town of Favignana Town; b) Sequence of parallel
extinct upwards within the sandbodies. laminated coarse grained calcarenites that rest on the flat symmetrical dune (D)
around 30 cm high. Note normal synsedimentary fault system at the top of the
Depositional assemblages of sedi- lower layer. Penknife (black) is 6 cm long. Another part of the same quarry as on
mentary structures, existence of coarse Fig.7a.
lag of shell debris, lateral changes of fa- continua - Associazione di Facies D. a) Sequenza verticale di calcareniti con lamina-
cies, frequent channels, disorganized shell zioni suborizzontali ed a basso-angolo, con abbondanti burrows verticali (s) ed oriz-
debrites sequences, similar to hummocky zonti ampiamente bioturbati (b). Il temperino è lungo 6 cm. Cala Calamoni, cave ab-
sequences of DOTT & BOURGEOIS (1982), bandonate alla periferia ovest della città di Favignana; b) Sequenza di calcareniti
are characteristic for high-energy shore- grossolane a laminazione parallela, espressione di parte di una duna simmetrica e
face environment (CLIFTON, 2006; ELLIOT, piatta (D) alta circa 30 cm. Da notare la presenza di un sistema di faglie dirette sin-
1986; WYSOCKA, 2002). Planar laminated sedimentarie normali al tetto dello strato più profondo. Il temperino è lungo 6 cm.
sets reflect highest current velocities and Altro settore della cava di Fig. 7a.
covering them cross-bedded lenses the
decreasing of energy conditions (cfr. CLIF- Fig. 12 - Facies Association E. a) Vertical stacking of several horizontal and cross-
TON, 1976). The thick bedded, large-scale laminated calcarenites that continue over a length of tens of meters, separated by
cross-beds of calcarenite and calcirudite, subhorizontal surfaces represented probably temporary wave base levels. Note a
that developed in western part, near the huge channel on the left side of the picture, deep more than 10 meters, it is filled up
town of Favignana, with bioturbated inter- by massive calcirudites. Slope lithofacies. Cliff below Cala Torretta, NW from Cala-
vals (Cruziana ichnofacies), can represents rossa; b) Detail of Fig. 12A. Note a vertical stacking of double sandbodies that are
remnants of shoreface zone with seaward represented by horizontal and cross-laminated calcarenites. Cross-lamination dipping
prograding wedges (POMAR & TROPEANO, to SE (seaward), ch = channel.
2001; MATEU-VICENS et al., 2008). More Associazione di Facies E. a) Successione verticale di calcareniti a stratificazione o-
seaward part, with differentiated facies, rizzontale e a laminazione incrociata continua per decine di metri, separata da super-
relatively abundant washouts and channels fici suborizzontali che probabilmente rappresentano temporanei livelli di base delle
and common Skolithos ichnofacies proba- onde. Da notare un canale di notevoli dimensioni sul lato sinistro della figura, profon-
bly represents inner bars system (BRIDGE do più di 10 metri, riempito da calciruditi massive. Litofacies di scarpata. Cala Torret-
& DEMICCO, 2008; CLIFTON, 2006; DAVD- ta, a NO di Calarossa; b) Dettaglio di Fig. 12A. Si noti la successione verticale dei
SON-ARNOTT & GREENWOOD, 1976). The corpi sabbiosi costituiti da calcareniti a stratificazione orizzontale e a laminazione
prevailing ichnofacies, represented by Sko- incrociata, inclinata verso SE (mare), ch = canale.
lithos ichnofacies, in this area represents
more shallow conditions than Cruziana
ichnofacies (SEILACHER, 1967, PEMBER-
TON et al., 1992). Also, big-scale planar
cross-bedded bodies, observed east of the
town of Favignana, with tiers of Scolithos
ichnofacies, can represent a local inner bar
system generated by longshore currents.
Washouts and channels that cut the inner
shoreface longshore bars were created by
rip currents, generated from long shore
ones (CLIFTON, 1976-2006; DAVDSON-
ARNOTT & GREENWOOD, 1976). The chan-
nels size increased with magnitude of
storm. Occurrence of stacks of storm surge
channels, cut through calcarenite beds and
filled commonly by storm sedimentary brec-
cias (storm lag deposit), are indicative of
periods of frequent storms occurrence. Very
deep erosional channels, with sedimentary
breccia that derived from the shoreline and
transported seaward on distance almost 2
km, could be related to surges and debris
flows (CLARK & PICKERING, 1996), gener-
ated by very high energy events (hurrica-
nes and probably also tsunami TINTI,
1993). The latter could be the effect of
submarine earthquakes, generated by local
tectonic movements that existed during
Late Pleistocene. Vertical changes of bio-
turbation characters (pervasive bioturbation
and Skolithos type) can represent water
depths changes, generated by synsedi-