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158 Ślączka A. et al.
Fig. 5 - Facies Association B (uppershore zone), area di Punta Longa, south of town of Favignana. a) Conglomerate build up mainly of
rhodolithes, cross-bedded in upper part. North towards the right. Length of measure 1 m; b) Local, concentration of shells of molluscs
horizontally arranged. In lower part visible cross-bedding. Length of penknife is 6 cm; c) Massive calcarenite with poorly defined cross-
lamination covered by cross-bedded calcirudites, which pass landward into coarsegrained calcarenites. Sharp bedding plane records
storm period. Note a fault on the right side of picture (F). Length of measure 1 m; d) Sub-horizontal, coarsening upwards calcirudites with
pebbly lags and erosional upper surface overlain by seaward dipping coarse-grained and conglomeratic calcarenites strongly biotur-
bated. Note vertical, Scolithos type traces fossils. Some of them penetrated the lower unit. Less visible are Thalassinoides developed on
surface of the inclined layers – compare Fig. 3g. Pen for scale; e) Sequence which started with calcirudites that contain rhodolithes and
fragments of shell, covered by horizontal layers (f), passing upwards into oblique cross-bedded bioturbated calcarenite (cr) and topped
by hummocky like (b) calcarenite. Seaward inclination of laminae. Length of pencil is 15 cm; f) A local channel (Ch) in sub-horizontal
coarse calcarenites with muddy matrix. This channel, 1,5 meters deep, is filled by stack of sinusoidal cross-bedded bodies incline land-
ward. Note patchy concentration of pebbles (e.g. near hammer). Hammer for scale; g) Thalassinoides network at the top of the se-
quence shown on Fig.3d. Note the thin layers of mudstone that are very rare in the study area; h) detail of Thalassinoides network;
i) Ophiomorpha occur only sporadically.