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154 Ślączka A. et al.
during Lower Pleistocene (ABATE et al., 1995) and by re- del Pozzo and Punta di Ferro, outcrop gravels and sand-
gional sea level fluctuations (TROPEANO & SABATO, 2000) stones of Pleistocene age are deformad by NW-SE and
have an important role for the Favignana area. W-E oriented strike-slip faults (INCANDELA, 1996; ABATE
et al., 1995; 1997). In the northern sector of the island
(Punta Faraglione), right-hand strike-slip faults oriented
2. GEOLOGICAL SETTING from NW-SE to W-E, formed a set of meters-in-scale
graben-like structures, filled by marine deposits of Pleis-
The Favignana Island belongs to the Egadi Archi- tocene age. This deposits are deformed by left-hand
pelago (Fig. 1) that represents an emerged part of the strike-slip faults NE-SW striking. Finally, the Pleistocene
Egadi Thrust Belt (ABATE et al., 1995-1997) of Sicilian- sandstones outcropping in the eastern sector of the isl-
Maghrebian system (SULLI, 2000; NIGRO & RENDA, and are folded to form a gentle anticline, interpreted as a
2001). Favignana is mainly build-up of Mesozoic-Lower drag-fold by INCANDELA (1996) and ABATE et al., (1995).
Tertiary carbonate deposits, unconforma-
bly capped by younger sediments which
are represented by biocalcarenites and
biorudites of Early-Middle Miocene and
marly shales of Late Miocene (CATALANO
et al., 1996; ABATE et al., 1997). Mesozoic-
Lower Tertiary carbonate deposits are un-
conformably covered by Middle-Upper Pli-
ocene bluish marls and shale followed by
Lower Pleistocene calcareous deposits
and by Tyrrhenian calcarenites and bioru-
dites. The Lower Pleistocene depo sits are
widespread along the eastern slope of the
emerged paleo-Favignana Island in a pull-
apart Basin, probably generated by trans-
tensional faults activity.
Three faults systems, recognised in
the Favignana Island, displace both the
Mesozoic-Tertiary and Pleistocene depo-
sits (Fig. 3). The first system, represented
by N-S strike-slip faults, bounds the ridge
of Favignana and somewhere it reac-
tives/displaces the Miocene thrusts (ABATE
et al., 1995). The other faults systems NE-
SW and NNW-SSE oriented at low-angle
Minor positive flower structures 1-to-10
meters in scale have also been observed
(INCANDELA, 1995; 1996; ABATE et al.,
1995). In the eastern sector of the island,
joints and minor strike-slip faults deform
the deposits of Pleistocene age, as well as
the more younger breccias and paleosoils
with displacements ranging from 0.1 to 1
m. This faulting activity determined small-
scale block tilting, as recognised at Cala
Monaci. In the middle-southern sector of
the island a N-S oriented morphostructure
(so-called Promontorio Scindo Passo), is
located and bounded by two strike-slip
faults. The outcropping Pleistocene depo-
sits are displaced by minor right-hand
transtensional and normal faults oriented
NNW-SSE. This grid of minor faults deter-
mined pull-apart like geometries In the
north-western sector of the island (Punta
Sottile) outcrop conglomerates and sand-
stones of Pleistocene age, that are dis-
placed by strike-slip and normal faults Fig. 1. - a) Schematic structural map of the Western Sicily; b) Schematic geological map
oriented from NW-SE to W-E. The sand- of the Favignana; c) Pleistocene facies distribution in the eastern Favignana Island.
stones also fill the faults-related joints,
suggesting soft-sediment deformation pro- a) Carta strutturale schematica della Sicilia Occidentale; b) Carta geologica schema-
cesses. Also, between the localities of Cala tica dell’Isola di Favignana; c) Distribuzione delle facies pleistoceniche nel settore
orientale dell'Isola di Favignana.