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156 Ślączka A. et al.
Fig. 4 - Facies Association A (beach/nearshore zone), area of Cala Fumere, north from the town of Favignana. a) Lower part of the se-
quences started with bi-directional bundled cross-bedded lenses covered by thin layer of conglomerate built up of fragments of moluscs and
Echinoidea shells and unidirectional cross bedded calcarenites. Length of penknife is 11 cm; b) Cross-bedded calcarenites with lags of li-
mestone pebbles along inclined laminae and covered by parallel laminated calcarenites with pebbly lags. Length of penknife is 11 cm; c)
Layer of conglomerate showing crude gradation with well rounded limestone pebbles. Sporadic vertical burrows (b). Length of penknife is 11
cm; d) Pervasive bioturbated calcarenites. In lower part of the picture burrowed limestone boulder (L) with borings. Length of penknife is 11
Associazione di Facies A (zona beach/nearshore), area di Cala Fumere, a nord della città di Favignana. a) La base della sequenza inizia
con lenti a stratificazione incrociata a festoni bidirezionali ricoperte da un sottile strato conglomeratico costituito da frammenti di mollu-
schi ed echinidi e calcareniti a stratificazione incrociata unidirezionale. La lunghezza del temperino è 11 cm; b) Calcarenite a stratifica-
zione incrociata con isolati ciottoli carbonatici disposti lungo lamine inclinate e ricoperti da calcareniti a laminazione piano-parallela con
clasti isolati. La lunghezza del temperino è 11 cm; c) Orizzonte conglomeratico scarsamente gradato, con ciottoli di calcare ben arroton-
dati. Sporadici burrows verticali (b). La lunghezza del temperino è 11 cm; d) Calcareniti ampiamente bioturbate. Nella parte inferiore del-
la foto si osserva un ciottolo carbonatico (L) perforato. La lunghezza del temperino è 11 cm.
Predominance of coarse-grained sediments and se- time. Periodically pervasive bioturbated horizons took
dimentary structures suggest that Facies Association A place.
(Fig. 1c) represents high wave energy beach/upper fo-
reshore zone (POMAR & TROPEANO, 2001; CLIFTON, 3.2 Facies Association B
2006; BRIDGE & DEMICCO, 2008). In this zone storm se- Facies Association B, whose thickness not ex-
diments, represented by pebbly lags, passing upwards
to finer laminated deposits, graded beds, lunate mega- ceeds 10 meters, is located between Punta Lunga and
ripples and pebbly layers, are interrupted by fair weather Lido Burrone, southwards of Favignana town (Fig. 1c)
conditions when developed wave ripple lamination and and reaches Favignana harbour towards the north. It is
burrowed interval (CLIFTON, 1976; JOHNSON & BALDWIN, characterized by the occurrence of calcirudites with
1986). Seaward deeping cross-bedding prevailed. Oc- several algae remains and rhodolithes and occurrence
casionally longshore southward currents appeared. Ob- of horizons with Thalassinoides. Relationships to the
served intricately interwoven cross-lamination are cha- previous Facies Association is not clear in the souther
racteristic of wave origin and connected probably with part (Cala Monaci) due to the lack of exposures. How-
fair-weather period. ever data from the harbour of Favignana imply that Fa-
cies Association B is generally situated farther to east
Very thick conglomerates near the top of sequence than the previous one. Relationship with older substra-
can mark exceptional strong storms events. Due to tum is unknown. The outcrop of this Association starts
storms cyclicity, deposits of previous periods were part- near Punta Lunga with thick bedded/massive conglome-
ly eroded and are only partially preserved. Increase of rates (Fig. 5a) built-up mainly by rhodolithes, up to doz-
conglomerates in the upper part of the sequence is en cm in size, fragments of serpulite and, somewhere,
linked to the increase of storm magnitude in lapse of by fragments of bivalve shells. Erosive surfaces bound