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Panormid carbonatic platform and its margins on       These clays form the substrate for much of the
units belonging to other palae-ogeographic            eastern and southern flanks of the Mount Etna
domains (such as the Trapanese basin; Giunta and      volcanic edifice and are known as the sub-Etnean
Liguori, 1972; Abate et al., 1991, 1993; Catalano     clays (Lentini, 1982). Farther to the south, this
and D’Argenio, 1982); the piling up of SE-            African crust is represented at the surface by the
verging thrust sheets in the Middle –Upper            platform carbonates and clastics of the Hyblean
Miocene and in the Middle Pliocene tectonic           plateau which make up southeastern Sicily. To
phases determined the overlying of brittle rocks      the north of Sicily, in the Tyrrhenian Sea,
over more ductile rocks.                              subduction is marked by the Aeolian Islands
Further (Pleistocenic) disjunctive and strike-slip    volcanic arc. Overall, this tectonic regime
tectonics, occurred mainly along NW–SE, NE–           imposes north-south compression to the
SO, N–S and E–W oriented normal fault systems,        northeastern Sicily region (Lanzafame et al.,
caused the splintering up into blocks with            1997).
differential raising and the formation of structural  Field relationships between rocks of the
highs alternated to basins (D’Angelo et al., 1997).   Appenine-Maghrebian Chain and the early
In the Capo San Vito Promontory, this is              Quaternary marine clays indicate that thrusting in
reflected by the occurrence of lowered sectors,       this compressional regime continued until at least
presently occupied by coastal plains (Castelluzzo     mid-Pleistocene times (Lanzafame et al., 1997),
and Cornino Plains; Abate et al., 1991).              while active regional uplift is indicated by several
Moreover, the recent tectonics created favorable      lines of evidence. In particular, the early
conditions for the onset of both deep-seated and      Quaternary marine clays are now found several
surficial gravitational slope deformations, which     hundred metres above sea level (Romano, 1979),
are particularly widespread along the eastern         and well developed uplifted Tyrrhenian marine
flank of the peninsula (Agnesi et al., 1995). The     erosional platforms occur at about 130 m at
Capo San Vito Promontory and the Island of            Taormina as well as in Calabria on the other side
Marettimo are characterized by Mesozoic–              of the Messina Straits.
Tertiary units composed of carbonatic, evaporitic     This compressional framework is transected by a
and silicoclastic deposits, overlain in discordance   number of seismogenic structures of regional
by late orogenic clastic deposits (Abate et al.,      tectonic importance. Of these, the largest is the
1991, 1996). Several orders of subhorizontal          Malta Escarpment, a structure that intersects the
abrasion surfaces, interpreted as raised marine       African margin on the southern side of the
terraces, are present at different heights (up to     Mediterranean at a high angle. It strikes NNW-
160 m) along wide coastal tracts of the W Sicily.     SSE and defines the eastern and southeastern
Their formation has been considered to be of          edge of the Sicilian continental shelf, marking the
Middle-Upper Pleistocenic age, since they cut not     boundary with the oceanic-affinity crust of the
only carbonatic rocks and marl-stones of              Ionian Sea to the east. Dip-slip displacement on
Mesozoic age but also terrigenous, evaporitic and     the Malta Escarpment amounts to some 3 km, and
calcarenitic formations of Late Miocene to Lower      where it intersects the coast of Sicily on the
Pleistocenic age (D’Angelo and Vernuccio,             eastern side of Mount Etna a series of active
1996).                                                faults (the Timpe fault system) produce scarps up
                                                      to 200 m and fault planes displaying both dip-slip
2.2. NE Area                                          and right oblique slip kinematic indicators
Northeastern Sicily is situated at the southern       (Lanzafame et al., 1996; Monaco et al., 1997).
margin of the Tyrrhenian microplate, which            This major structure, although its continuity is
includes Calabria (Gvirtzman and Nur 1999). The       disrupted by interactions with other faults, has
area of NE Sicily is composed of sedimentary and      been interpreted as passing through northeastern
metamorphic rocks within a southward-verging          Sicily as a series of structures which ultimately
system of thrusted nappes, the Appennine-             displace the Aeolian arc by approximately 6 km
Maghrebian Chain, developed above the                 in a right-lateral sense (Lanzafame and Bousquet,
northward-dipping African plate. The resulting        1997).
tectonic depression above the margin of the           The most important structure which intersects the
African plate has created a foredeep along the        faulting associated with the Malta Escarpment is
northern margin of the African continental crust      the NNE-SSW striking Messina fault system. The
which is occupied by early Quaternary clays.          1908 Messina earthquake was attributed to a

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