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tectonically complex. The quasi-stability of the        change where the latter have been calibrated
Hyblean foreland and the Catania Plain foredeep         against data from 23 tectonically stable sites in
are probably due to the locked subduction zone          Italy. In particular we have now for all the sites in
beneath Sicily, but uplift in Etna and NE regions       eastern Sicily and Calabria the possibility to
are less easy to explain. It is unlikely that crust-    compare the predicted curves for each site with
mantle elastic-viscoelastic models can provide a        the uplifted data and calculate more precise uplift
reason for the differences in movement rates, and       data (Fig. 22).
those differences are more reasonably explained
by the complex tectonics relating to the Calabrian      Stop 1 Capo Milazzo (Fig. 23) MIS 5.5 terrace
arc, although the exact mechanisms remain               and Holocene notches. We park vehicles on the
unclear.                                                MIS 5.5 terrace, clearly shown as flat surface.
The southern Calabria coastline is characterized        Then walk 1 km down to the end of the
by high water energy of waves hitting steep cliffs      peninsula to examine tidal notches at, and up to 2
that descend direcly into the sea. The                  m above, sea level. Although undated, the notch
morphological record is not preserved because           profiles are consistent with the profiles at
the lithologies are not limestones, for these           Taormina (Day 3), with an uplifted notch roof,
reasons uplifted Holocene deposits have not been        above which no marine erosion is seen, plus an
discovered only recently.                               intermediate notch. A modern active notch at sea
New findings in 3 sites near Scilla (Fig. 21) show      level can be measured from the living
an uplifted fossil beach between 2 and 4 m above        Dendrapoma rim, and varies from tidal to surf
present sea-level. Radiocarbon dating of marine         notch, depending on the degree of exposure,
shells collected at 3-3.4 m has given ages ranging      visible on the two ends of a small offshore island.
between 2,7 and 3,9 yr cal B.P. The new 14C             This is a good location to discuss notch
dates and amended sea-level curves are used to          formation; Rust & Kershaw 2000, interpreted
show that in the coast between Villa S.Giovanni         both tidal and surf processes operating together
and Scilla the tectonic uplift over the past 2,7-3,9    here.
kyr has been proceeding at an average rate of 1.6-
1.8 mm a-1 (Antonioli et al., submitted). Also at       Stop 2, we will visit the eastern sector of the
Ioppolo (Antonioli et al., 2003) was found a fossil     Milazzo Promontory were outcrop between +1
beach between 1.5 and 2.5 m showing 14C ages            and 1.50 m on the bedrock (metamorphic) a fossil
compraised between 5.4 and 5.7 kyrs cal BP. In          beach containing infralittoral species as:Barbatia
eastern Calabria, Pirazzoli et al., 1997, found at      barbata,Clanculus
Capo Rizzuto an Holocene deposit at 0.9 m, 2.9          sp.,Columbellarustica,Mitridae sp,Vermetus sp,
kyrs cal BP.                                            Gibbula sp,Bittium reticulatum,Trunculariopsis
                                                        trunculus, Patella coerulea,Nucella lapillus ecc
Sea level change along the Italian coast is the sum     ecc. Gringeri et al., 2003, descoverd this and
of eustatic, glacio-hydro-isostatic, and tectonic       others outcrops along eastern and northern coast
factors. The first is time-dependent while the          of Milazzo giving a prliminary age using 14C. The
latter two also vary with location. Of the latter,      analysis of a Patella sampled at 2.0 m on the sea
the glacio-hydro-isostatic part exhibits a well-        level provided an age of 5.9 ka cal BP (Fig. 24).
defined pattern and is readily predictable whereas      Using the Lambeck's model the correspondent is
the tectonic component exhibits a less regular          about 1.6 mm\a
pattern that is of generally shorter wavelength and
less predictable. Together these components             Stop 3, at Ganzirri on the coast in front of
result in a complex spatial and temporal pattern        Calabria will be possible to see an interesting
of relative sea level change around the central         well cemented conglomerate containing few
Mediterranean coast-line, observations of which         marine fossils, first 14C analysis provided the
provide information on earth-rheology, on rates         Holocene uplift rate. Cross of Messina town and
of vertical tectonic movements, and on the global       night at Taormina.
ice-ocean balance during glacial cycles. A recent
work (Lambeck et al., submitted) has predicted          Stop 4, early in the morning we will take (at
the sea level curve for different sites in Italy, with  Mazzaro bay) some boats to visit the rocky
new models for the eustatic and glacio-hydro-           Giurassic limestone coast of Taormina. Here will
isostatic contributions to Holocene sea level           be possible to see an evident marine notch named

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