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RHEGMATIC-LIKE BASINS IN SICILY                                                                                        7

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Fig. 7. Examples of neotectonic structures outcropping in Western Sicily. See text for explanation

are deformed by a NW-SE trending fold and thrust system,       faulted sequences. Fig. 8B shows an example ofthese struc-
by an E-W trending right-lateral transcurrent fault and also,  tures; the block-diagram indicates the trends and arrange-
together with the Pleistocene sequences (G. cariacoensis       ment ofthe most important neotectonic large-scale folds and
biozone), by a NE-SW trending large-scale gentle en-eche-      faults found in the westernmost sector of the Peloritani tec-
lon fold system. In this case, the erosional surface was pro-  tonic edifice, where the Mesozoic to Tertiary sedimentary
duced by the "emersion" ofthe previous strongly deformed       covers (Longi-Taonnina Unit) mostly outcrop. In the map
Mesozoic substrate (Colomba and Genuardo Mts. ramp an-         view, the neotectonic gentle en-echelon fold system (thick
ticlines) during the Pleistocene tectonic phase.               lines) that reoriented the previous system (thin lines) can be
                                                               observed. The dashed line represents the emergent transcur-
     The examples from Eastern Sicily (Fig. 8) reveal that     rent fault ofthe block-diagram. The fault system cuts a very
the neotectonic features are again represented by fault sys-   recent arenaceous sequence in the coastal area. A compari-
tems with dip- and strike-slip kinematic indicators.           son with geophysical data from the offshore areas (Fig. 9)
                                                               makes it possible to date the transpressional events at 1.4
     The NW-SE trending strike-slip fault systems are pre-     Ma.
valently present in the northern coastal area and cut the
E-W trending Thrust Belt (Fig. 8A). Eastwards, the strike-          An example of the neotectonic structural setting of the
slip fault systems are associateci with an en-echelon fold     NE Sicilian areas is shown in Fig. 8C. In this area (Patti-
system that reoriented the previous strongly folded and

Fig. 8. Examples of neotectonic structures outcropping in Eastern Sicily. See text for explanation
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