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Fig. 12. Schematic structural sections across the Northern Sicily coastal area showing the presence of a recent low-angle (listric) norma!
fault systems cutting the E-W trending Sicily Belt
SICILIAN AREAS The seismic lines 14B and 14H, from the northwestern
Fig. 13 shows some examples of submerged neotectonic Sicily offshore areas, show the presence of an extensional
structures characterising the Sicily offshore areas, while the tectonic event that started during the Messinian and pro-
index besides (Fig. 141) shows results ofthe assemblage of duced a NW-SE regional-trending growth fault. The exten-
high-resolution seismic lines interpretation and geophysical sional (transtensional?) tectonic event persisted unti! the
and geologica! published data (Selli, 1974; Biju-Duval et Early Pliocene and it was followed by inversion at 1.4 Ma,
al., 1982; Argnani et al., 1986; Makris et al., 1986; An- the result of which is today represented by the NW-SE
tonelli et al., 1988; Argnani, 1987, 1990, 1993; Tricart et al., trending strike-slip structures bounding the eastern side ofS.
1990; Trincardi & Argnani, 1990; Catalano et al., 1993a). Vito Peninsula.
The examples are from reinterpretation of published high-
resolution seismic lines. From seismic interpretation, a Plio- Compressional tectonics during the Pliocene is recorded
Pleistocene clastic succession has been recognised, where in seismic line 14C, where the N-S trending positive flower
stratal pattems and latera! terminations of the reflectors de-
termine severa! depositional sequences. A number of depo- Fig. 13. Simplified 30 view of the Centrai Mediterranean with
sitional sequences are represented by groups of reflectors. main hypothetical crustal features indicated. Large arrows indicate
They are characterised by seismic facies and stratal pattems the direction of Tyrrhenian spreading and Ionian subduction. See
that allow to the same trends that have been recognised in text for explanation
the Northwestem and Southem offshore Sicily by Agate et
al. (1993), where seismics is controlled by well data. Thus,
the age of boundaries between the groups of reflectors is
cotrelated using sequence stratigraphy methods.
The seismic line 14A, from the Southem Sicily offshore
areas, shows the NNE-SSW trending positive flower struc-
tures active since 1.4 Ma, involving the most recent se-