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                                                                                _ SE mantle uplirt
                                                                             ·· ____,.sud

                                                                             S Egadi Fault

                                                               NNW african nadir mouvemenl

                 nadir                                         sulxludion

S Egadi l'ault + NNW african subduction = Va;         n.'lthr

=E Magtl3ghi- Vavilov opcning + SE Dlalt~e uplirl Vr; E Coriolis drift = k.

starting development of flower
    structures in the Western

Tyrrhenian arca (Fig. 13C) and
  in lhe Maghrebian 1\>rcland
            (l'ig. 13G)

      in NW Sicily._~-.-~-··--··llco,mrl./tlransor.l
Sicily offshorc and Sicily

Channcl. Developmcnl of E-W

trcnding 11ower structurcs in

Wcstem Sicily (Fig. 7A) and

N-S trending in Westcm

~·~rrhc•~_an(Fig, 13C)             Va>Vr

                                   1.4-0.8 Myr


   extension in Marsili arca.
northcm Sicily coastal arca and

   in Palermo Mts. (Fig. 78)


Lnmsprcssion in tbc Pcloritani         0.8 Myr
arca (Fig. 8B) anù probably in     (wmpression)
 SW Sicily (Fig. 7C). Furlhcr

 transpression in NW Sicily.

                                   Va> Vr

transtension and dip--slip faults  0.8-0.5 Myr
devclopmcnt in tbc Pcloritani      (cxtcnsion)
 arca (Fig. 8C) and in Centrai

       Tyrrbcni;m (Fig. 9)

                                      Va< Vr

                                       0.5 Myr

trcnding tr.utsprcssion in

                                   Va> Vr

                                   0.5-0 Myr

Nortbcm Sicily offshorc :mtl
 Centr".tl Tyrrhcnian strong
           (Fig. 13E). Extcnsion
      in Sicily Channcl.


Fig. 17. A. Velocity vectors that controlied geodynamic evolution of the Centra! Mediterranean. It is possible to solve the velocity
vectors as the resultants of African subduction-Egadi Fault movements (Va) and mantle uplift-Central Tyrrhenian opening (Vr). The
African subduction rate is very Jow with respect to the Egadi Fault rate, while the mantie uplift, as well as the Magnaghi-Vavilov basins
opening, are considered as angular velocities. B. Sequence of tectonic events related to the predominance in time of Va or Vr that
established a compressionalltranspressional or an extensional tectonic regime in the Tyrrhenian and peri-Tyrrhenian areas during the last
5 Ma. See text for explanations
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