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Fig. 15. Simplitìed 3D neotectonic crustal features ofthe Centrai
Mediterranean. The picture shows the oblique movement of the
African-Ionian plates compared to Tyrrhenian spreading and the
main surface effects (crustal buried and/or emergent right-lateral
transpressional faults, associated en-echelon fold systems and the
main out-of-sequence thrusts), mostly related to the compressive
stress induced in the subducted hinge zone of African plate by the
"Tyrrhenian upper mantle". See text for explanation
tors") can be a resultant of coupling of motion vectors that Fig. 16. Crustal structures of the Centrai Mediterranean related
represent the northward movement of Africa and mantle to neotectonic evolution. The sketch shows the present-day main
processes. These "motors" are influenced by minor impor- structural features of the Tyrrhenian area, connected with rheg-
tant factors, such as severa! structures resulting from older matic-like mechanisms. According to this mode!, the Mag-
intraplate stresses and the Coriolis drift, and a geometrie naghi-Vavilov area is interpreted as a sphenochasm basin which
system characterised by plates moving on a sphere. The determines the easternmost transcurrent structures (e.g. Marsili
overall stretching ofthe Tyrrhenian area may be the result of and Paola Basins). See text for explanation. l - thinned and/or
complex, repeated tectonic stages, being the predominant oceanic-type crust; 2- Sicily-Apennine Thrust Be!t; 3- superim-
effects of one ofthese main driving forces. posed extensional areas; 4 - extension vectors; 5 - compression
The recognised neotectonic lineaments in mainland Sic-
ily, as well as in the surrounding submerged areas (Figs. 7, This mode! does not agree with the existing ones pro-
8, 13 and 14), are interpreted in this paper as important crus- posed for the Tyrrhenian-Apennine system kinematic evo-
tal structures ofthe Centrai Mediterranean, being an expres- lution. These models involve:
sion of a regional shear system that controls the Tyrrhenian
basin evolution. Thus, the trends of these structures and a) Europe-Africa convergence, with latera! "extrusion"
their regional patterns might be considered to be some ofthe of some continental microplates (plastic-rigid deformation)
main effects of the Tyrrhenian dynamics during the last few and formatian of oroclines (Tapponier, 1977; Bocca!etti et
Ma. These effects (mostly represented by different scale al., 1982);
shear zones) are now combined in a kinematic mode! of
plate motion on a sphere affected by some mega-shear dis- b) lonian-Adriatic passive subduction, with extension
continuities. These discontinuities are related to the overall in the internai areas and compression in the external areas
northward motion of Africa during the last Ma. The sche- (Boccaletti & Guazzane, 1972; Malinvemo & Ryan, 1986;
matic structural setting presented in Figs. 13 and 16 summa- Patacca & Scandone, 1990); and
rises the main structural lineaments related to the geody-
namic processes of the Tyrrhenian opening, reconstructed c) Tyrrhenian extension as a consequence of gravita-
with the use of field observation in mainland Sicily dis- tiana! collapse processes of a thickened lithosphere (Reutter
cussed above and with the published and unpublished seis- et al., 1980; Channel & Mareschal, 1989).
mic data.
In the present author's opinion, the gravitational col-
For a better understanding of the possible relations be- lapse processes alone (c-models) cannot produce the recog-
tween the Tyrrhenian extension process and the coeva! sur- nised rhegmatic basins configuration (Figs. 13 and 16). The
rounding structures (extensional and!or compressional/tran- lonian-Adriatic passive subduction alone (b-models) may
spressional as described before), the oblique convergence of produce E-W trending shear systems (as in the a-type mode!
the N-NNW Ionian subduction versus the SE Tyrrhenian of Boccaletti et al., 1982), relatable to the Africa-Europe
spreading direction has also to be considered. This might in- NNW-SSE convergence movement, but not a spheno-
duce strong extension in the centrai, as well as in peripheral
basinal areas and create intraplate stresses with prevalently
transpressional displacements in Sicily. A superimposed in-
itial thennal input from the uppennost mantle to the lower
crust may also be considered.