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RHEGMATIC-LIKE BASINS IN SICILY                                13

structures involve the deformation at least the sequences of        3) the rhegmatic-like basins of the Pantelleria-Linosa
1.4 Ma in the Eastern Sardinia Shelf. Also, the seismic line   area (Baumann & Reuther, I985; Celio et al., 1985a, b;
14D shows the presence of extensional tectonics during the     Reuther & Eisbacher, 1985; Boccaletti et al., 1987; Celio,
Early Pliocene, followed by an inversion tectonic event ac-    1987; Reuther, 1989). The Southern Sicily offshore is char-
tive unti! 1.4 Ma, that produced the NW-SE trending struc-     acterised by a rifting process (Pantelleria, Linosa) expressed
tures in the Sicily Straits.                                   by the NW-SE trending pull-apart basins, interpreted as the
                                                               southeastward continuation of the Egadi Fault. The South-
     The seismic line 14E, from the Centrai Tyrrhenian,        ern Sicily offshore is also characterised by the NE-SW
shows severa! angular unconformities bounding groups of        trending transpressive structures, interpreted as synthetic
reflectors. Particularly, in the depositional sequences        mega-riedels;
bounded by the 1.4 and 0.8 isochrones, it is possible to as-
sume the presence of extensional tectonics. The 1.4, 0.5 and        4) the Eastern Sicily offshore, characterised by a very
probably the 0.2 sequence boundaries indicate compression.     important N-S trending structural line (Malta Escarpment)
A very fast subsidence between 0.5 Ma and 0.2 Ma, and the      dividing the Hyblean-Malta-Medina Foreland (Il!ies, 1981;
intrusion of basaltic dikes, indicate extensional tectonic     Celio et al., 1984) from the Ionian subduction complex
stages.                                                        (Ionian microplate; Biju-Duval et al., 1982);

     The seismic lines 14F and 14G, from the Hyblean sub-           5) the Northern Sicily offshore characterised by a mix-
merged sector and the Gela Gulf respectively, show two         ing of extension and transpression processes during the late
NE-SW trending positive flower structures active since the     Plio-Pleistocene that detennined severa! small basins and
Late Miocene, involving sedimentary sequences post- 1.4        inversion structures (Tricart et al., 1990);
                                                                    6) the Tyrrhenian area s.s., where the overall stretching
     The above examples allow to synthesise the structural     and subsidence is coupled by the effects of the above de-
setting ofthe peri-Tyrrhenian submerged areas, often repre-    scribed tectonic events.
sented by transpressive and/or inversion geometries, syn-
chronous with the "expansion" and "oceanization" of the               SYNTHESIS OF THE REGIONAL
centrai Tyrrhenian areas. Thus, the deformational phases                    STRUCTURAL SETTING
recognisable in the submerged areas, as well as in the Sicily
mainland, are alternatively expressed by transpressional and        A review of deep geophysical data, deep well data, un-
extensional tectonics. The age of deformations fits well to    published field survey data, seismic ref1ection profiles and
the deformational history as proposed by severa! authors       published seismic data, makes it possible to distinguish the
(e.g. Agate et al., 1993; Catalano et al., 1993a, c):          following tectonic domains for the Centrai Mediterranean:

     - extension pre-4.8 Ma;                                        l) The Southern Tyrrhenian Margin, characterised by
     - compression until3.0 Ma;                                NW-SE to E-W trending strong extension (represented on
     - extension between 3.0-2.4 Ma;                           land by the E-W trending LANF systems) and a NW-SE
     - inversion (transpression) between 2.4-1.4 Ma;           trending right-lateral strike-slip displacements. Generally,
     - extension between 1.4-0.8 Ma;                           the dip-slip system cuts the other one;
     - compression at 0.8 Ma;
     - extension after 0.5 Ma.                                      2) the Sicily mainland, characterised by:
     Is possible to recognise the overlap of extensional and        a) the most extemal ofthe thrust complex (Sicanian and
compressional/transpressional tectonics that have produced     Gela Thrust Systems) emplaced from the Late Pliocene to
severa! inversion geometries.                                  the Pleistocene;
                                                                    b) a prevalentE-W trending emergent and buried active
  STRUCTURAL SUMMARY OF MARINE                                 right-lateral transcurrent faults with associated Riedel sys-
                          DATA                                 tems;
                                                                    3) the Southem Sicily offshore, characterised by rifting
     The main structural features of submerged areas sur-      processes;
rounding Sicily, derive from an assemblage of published             4) the Eastem Sicily offshore, characterised by the ac-
and unpublished seismic data. They include:                    tive Ionian subduction complex.
                                                                    The illustrateci tectonic domains are consistent with the
     I) a western sector (between Sardinia, Egadi Islands      mode! shown in Figs. 15, 16 and 178.
and Tunisia) characterised by a prevalent NNW-SSE to
NW-SE trending right-lateral transcurrent (locally transten-                        DISCUSSION
sile) fault system (''Egadi Fault" of Finetti & Del Ben,
I986; and its northward prolongation), extending from the           The recognised tectonic history in the submerged areas
eastern Sardinia shelf to the Sicily Straits. The megariedels  surrounding Sicily, and the comparison with deformational
associateci with this mega-structure determine severa! struc-  events in the mainland, indicate that the overall Tyrrhenian
tural depressions (grabens and half-grabens) filled by Plio-   opening is characterised by severa! tectonic stages which are
Pleistocene sequences. Southwards, this faults system di-      related to the time changes of regiona! stress fie ld, as a result
vides:                                                         of geodynamic processes in the Mediterranean area. The
                                                               change of stress fie ld indicates that the driving forces ("mo-
     2) the Pelagian Block, where transpressive movements
characterise the Eastern Tunisia (Zaghouan Fault), from:
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