Page 4 - Basin_formation_the Egadi
P. 4

mentary succession. The sedimentary sequences rec-       the seismic units recognized within this subbasin
ognized in the two subbasins can not be correlated       impossible from one profile to the other.
across the structural high and therefore, the two
subbasins will be described separately.                     Line G-35 (Fig. 5) crosses the northem part of the
                                                         WS with a NE-SW trend, perpendicular to ihe axis
5. Data description and interpretation                   of the basin. It shows a west-dipping extensional
                                                         fault (Fl) with related half graben that bounds the
5.1. Western subbasin (WS)                               WS. The lower unit (A) is wedge-shaped, and reflec-
                                                         tions within it define an anticlinal structure. Within
   This subbasin has a width of 10 km and a length       the overlying unit (B) reflections onlap the western
of at least 30 km and its northem and southem limits     flank of the previously described anticline and pre-
are outside the seismic grid. Its depth is greater than  sent a wedging attitude next to the boundary fault
900 m and it is formed by two opposite verging half      (Fl). The upper unit (C) is also wedge-shaped with
grabens formed by from NW-SE- to NNW-SSE-                basa1 reflections onlapping the top of unit B. The
trending extensional faults (Fig. 4). Poor quality of a  wedging of its interna1 reflection indicates deposition
couple of transversal profiles makes correlation of      during extension along the boundary fault.

                                                            Line INVO-18 (Fig. 6) runs along the basin axis
                                                         and crosses line G-35; the same units of the previous

Fig. 4. Schematic structural map of basin INVO-2. ES = eastem subbasin; SH = siructuralhigh; WS = western subbasin.
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