Page 5 - Basin_formation_the Egadi
P. 5

" l anticline

Fig. 5. Line C-35 illustrating the northem area of the WS. Tlie rnain extensional fault (FI) is marked by arrows. The present-day basin
rnorphology and the growth sediments indicate that F1 was active unti1 Recent time. The anticlinal shape of unit A is due to the reverse fault
showed in Fig. 6. A = top of unit A; B = top of unit B. The triangle indicates the tie with the line INV089- 18. Location in Fig. 3.

line have been identified here. A composite anticline,   anticline and with the wedging reflections next to the
bound southward by a north-dipping reverse fault, is     boundary fault on line G-35. Unit C is wedge-shaped
present inside the basin. South of the anticline, re-    north of the anticline and reflections show evidence
flections within the lower part of unit B display        of syn-tectonic growth.
small-scale interna1 unconformities marked by on-
laps; in the upper part of the unit these unconformi-       The anticline has been interpreted as being formed
ties are not seen. North of the anticline, unit B shows  by a reverse fault trending more or less perpendicu-
wedging of reflections; this part of unit B seems to     lar to the basin axis (Fig. 4). The minor unconformi-
correlate with the upper part of the unit south of the   ties observed in the lower part of unit B may repre-
                                                         sent pulses in the contractional activity or, alterna-

Fig. 6. Line INV089-18 showing the contractional struciures which affect the northem portion of the WS. A reverse fault affects the early
infill of the basin (unit A) and gives rise to a south-verging anticline. Note the onlap of unit B reflections on the back limb of the anticline.
A = top of unit A: B = top of unit B. The triangle indicates where this profile crosses the line G-35. See text for further details. For location
see Fig. 3.
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