Page 3 - CatalanoInfuso1992
P. 3

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           Figure 4. Geologica! cross sections from seismic prof ifes across Drepano
           Seamount area, through Adventure Bank 10 Southern Sicily offshore. The figure
           shows from the top: (1) Plio-Pieistocene deposits, (2) cristalline and
           sedimentary Kabilo-Calabride equivalent units, overthrust on (3) detached and
           accreted flysches, (4) basin carbonates wedge slices, (5) platform and basin
           ca rbonate thrusts (Panormide and Pre-Panormide), (6) Trapanese and
           Saccense thrust units. underthrusting the (7) Lower-Upper Miocene foreland
           basin deposits.

           Figu re 5 . NW-SE t rending seismic profila showi ng t he post -Messinian
           emplacement (out of sequence ?) of the internai "Kabilian-Calabrian' units
           above more external Sicitian-Maghrebian carbonate units along the Drepano
           Thrust Front. The overlying basinal setting shows extentional tectonics followed
           by tectonic inversion of the sedimentary wedgo (l).
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