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unconformably overlain by Early Miocene shallow                 the Trapanese and Saccense paleogeographic
clastics and open shelf ca:bonates (Fig. 4, 7, 8). These        domains.
deposits appear to pass westwards, where they are
recognized as Panormide and Pre·Panormide domains                            Stratigraphy and facies domains
(Catalano. 1987; Catalano et al., 1987, 1989). These                    Stratigraphic and palinspastic restorations of the
units are unconformably overlain by late Tortonian              Sicilian-Maghrebian chain reveal two main depositional
terrigenous and clastic cartonatic overstep sequences,          areas: a northem internai basin and a southem extemal
Messinian evapornes, pelagic marly limestones and               carbonate and evaporìtic platform. These were founded
Plio-Pieistocene clastics.                                      on a common Permian substrate (Catalano et al.,
                                                                1991 }. Tbey belong to paleogeographic domains that
        b. The outer sector. A reflecting body on               formed the Sicilian continental margin, prior to collision
Adventure Plateau includes: a) a topmost thick (almost          wlth European Sardinia. Some can be correlated with
3000m), deformed thin-layered wedge bounded on the              onshore domains (e .g. Imerese, Pre-Panormide,
NW by the Egadi Tbrust Front and to SE by the                   Panormide, Saccense. Trapanese and Hyblean;
Adven ture Thrust Front (Fig. 4). and b) a lower                Catalano et al.,1987). Basinal sequences forming the
deformed carbonate substrate. This deformed, thin-              geometrically bigher carbonate thrust sheets (Fig. 4) are
layered terrigenous and clastic carbonatic wedge                here informally assigned to the "Marettimo basin"
includes uppermost folded and fau~ed late Tortonian to          (Catalano et al., this vol.}.
early Messinian deposits equivalen! to the T€rravecchia                 Widespread Triassic-Liassic carbonate and
Fm. on land (Catalano, 1987; Catalano et al, 1987,              evaporitic platform rocks and their s!ope to basìn
1989; Antonelli et al, 1983: Argnani et al, 1989). These        Ju rassic-Paleogene cover, bave been assigned
deposits unconformabl; o·;erlie early Miocene to early          respeclively to the Pre·Panormide (and its lateral
Tortonian ctastic thrust slices abo·1e the carbonatic           continuation, Panormide), Trapanese and Saccense
substrate (Fig. 9). These r-.rusts ha·:e a common basai         paleogeographic domains (Catalano 1987; Catalano et
detachme nt pian e (F i ;~. 4). Th: n skinned thrust            al., 1987. 1989).
packages of basinal La:~ r'1esozo:.:;-Tertiary rocks are
tectonically sandvviched ~2ì·Neen the lower and upper                                  Tectonic histOiy
Miocene rocks (Fig. ~ . 9). Carb.:Jnate substrate is                    Tectonic analysis of the Sicilian-Maghrebian
stacked in large ramp ar.-:J nat thrus:s. displaying intemal    sector indicates that deformation began after Langhian
                                                                for the more internai and geometrically higher tectonic
duplex geometry (Fig 4; ,t,!l untts •::ere tbrust towards       units (Catalano et al, 1987,1989). Ouring the Langhian-
                                                                ear1y Tortonian inteNal the Paleogene-lower Miocene
southeast o•1er even th~ most recent foredeei) basin            cover of the internai basin as well as carbonate p/atform
(Gela basin}. A post e2·;..• L~essini.::~ erosicr:al surface    domains was detached and then thru st over more
lorrns the top of the enl:re sediment2.ry bod;.                 progressively externa l domains (Pre -Panormide,
                                                                Trapanese and Saccense}. Numidian Flysch type and
        Ttìe structural un ~ beneath consists of Triassic-      chrono stra tigraphically equivalent deposits were
Li t~ssic carbonate pla: ':.rm sed'-nents o•:e:lain by          stacked to form the highest thrust sheets. Cretaceous-
s~amou n t type dapos ~ s :,c..rnmor.::·:::o Ross');. pe iagi~  lo·ner Miocene bas inal packages are thrust over
marly cartx:>nates (Sca;i?. type) a~d open s:-~~~ clastic       external ca1bonates (Fig. 2,4). Synchroneously, or just
carbonates of earliesl r.~ Jcene <:Je (Ca1a'ano et al.          afterward basin and platform carbonates of the
1987. 1989). These beds 2~~ knm·:n in western Sk:ily as         substrate were detached and accreted as ramp and flat
                                                                thrusts. Duplex developmant appears to be the normal
Figure B. NW-SE trendi:lg seismic profila showing.              thrust expression. Some of the ramp blocks lack their
between 6 an d 8 sec t. w.t.. som e strong reflectors           Paleogene-lower Miocene cover.
interpreted as carbonate t ~p s of dee;:>er thrus!.                     This thrust sheet pile reaches ns main elevation
                                                                along the Egadi Thrust Front that trends NNE-SSW
                                                                along a belt of almost 60 km (Fig. 2,4). The Egadi Front

                                                                cou ld be also the result ot post late Miocene '1hrust

                                                                envelopment". Southwards, a new foredeep developed
                                                                on the Pre-Panormide, Trapanese and Saccense units,
                                                                composed of undeformed carbonatics. during the lower
                                                                Miocene-lower Tortonian. Already detached clastic
                                                                cover rocks were complexly accreted southeastward
                                                                almost contemporaneously with their carbonatic
                                                                substrate. The present day structural depression, on the
                                                                Adventure Plateau, is not an originai Late Miocene
                                                                foredeep as previously believed (Catalano et al, 1988;
                                                                Argnani et al , 1989}. lt is the result of a severe

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