Page 4 - Cipriano_Madonia_alii_2017
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            Fig. 3. Shaded relief and main geomorphological units of western Sicily (DTM from Sicilian Regional Environmental Department).

            continuous ridge in the northern region of Sicily, from Pelori-  rivers) on a substrate of weak rocks (Mio–Pliocene foredeep
            tani  and  Nebrodi  to  the  Madonie  and  Palermo  Mountains,   and wedge-top deposits). The lower erosional power of these
            locally interrupted by N–S narrow and deep transverse valleys   rivers  has produced  shallow  valleys  with  gently  inclined
            of the main rivers draining into the Tyrrhenian Sea (Pollina,   slopes and flat  or rounded  bottoms,  separated  by low hills.
            Imera Settentrionale, Torto, and San Leonardo rivers). In the   V-shaped valleys are only found in the head of the great catch-
            north-western and central-western areas, coastal  plains and    ment areas, located along the southern side of the mountain
            a set of rounded hills and broad valleys, from which a series    range, and in the lower-order rivers.
            of isolated reliefs of the Trapani and Sicani Mountains rises   In the broad NW–SE coastal strip of the Sicilian Channel, the
            up,  break  the  physical  continuity  of  the  mountain  range.    relief lowers gradually to a landscape of large plains, located in
            The mountain range and isolated peaks coincide with succes-  resistant Quaternary clastic rocks and cut by deep canyons with
            sions of “hard” and “resistant” rocks hundreds of metres thick   flat bottoms that become wider as they approach the mouth.
            (Mesozoic carbonate units), on which the highest relief lies;
            the deep, narrow or broad valleys and the set of rounded hills
            are situated on “weak” and easily erodible rocks (calcilutites,      Methods
            marls, and clays of the Mesozoic basin units; Mio–Pliocene
            cover deposits).                                   Geological  and  geomorphological  analyses  consisting  of
              On the northern side of Sicily, the proximity of the mountain   field mapping, aerial photography interpretation, and compa-
            range to the Tyrrhenian coast involves the existence of a num-  rison with bibliographic data were performed with the aim of
            ber of rivers with short and very inclined channels, in which   defining a morphoevolutionary model of western Sicily.
            the water flows from S to N. The intense incision processes of   Geological data were mainly obtained from previous studies
            these rivers produced deep  V-shaped valleys  with from   (Catalano et al. 2013 and references therein) and field surveys
            medium to strongly inclined slopes, separated by usually sharp   in selected key areas (zones affected by Quaternary deposits
            ridges. The valley bottoms become wide and flat only near the   and topographic expressions due to tectonics; as in the  northern
            mouths along the discontinuous coastal plains.    coastal plains).
              Along the central and southern side of Sicily, the larger dis-  Geomorphological data regarding the presence of landforms
            tance between the mountain range and the southern coast   directly or indirectly produced by tectonics, and the relation-
            enables the development of longer and slightly inclined rivers   ships between landforms and their geological framework were
            flowing from NNE to SSW (e.g., Belice, Platani, and Salso   collected. We searched and examined (Figs. 4, 5) fault scarps/

                                                                              GEOLOGICA CARPATHICA, 2017, 68, 1, 80 – 93
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