Page 6 - Cipriano_Madonia_alii_2017
P. 6


            slopes, and topographic highs and lows due to tectonic   structu rally-  controlled  complex  slopes, and  other  landforms
              movements;  canyons,  V-valleys,  and  other  landforms  due    produced by differential erosion also influenced by high relief;
            to down- cutting  processes triggered  by tectonic  uplift,  as    landforms due to deep-seated gravitational slope deformations
            well as stair- steps of marine terraces, river terraces, and pla-  (DSGSDs), landslides, and generally denudation phenomena
            nation  or  low-relief  surfaces;  fault-line  scarp/slopes,   following the increased relief.

            Fig. 5. Geological and geomorphological interpretation of the areas of Fig. 4.  Landforms (uppercase letters): MT marine terrace; RV river
            valley; ISS inclined structural surface; TZ-RV triangle zone-type river valley; RFLS resequent fault-line scarp; ANMT anticline mountain;
            RT river terrace; LRS low-relief surface; ACC abandoned coastal cliff; FS fault scarp; KD karst depression. Deposits and rocks (lowercase
            letters): cs coastal deposit; cl clastic deposit; mrcb marly carbonate rock; cly clayey rock; cb carbonate rock; ev evaporite rock; al alluvial
            deposit; sl slope deposit. Stratigraphic units (after dash): MrSy Marsala synthem; AgFm Agrigento formation; TrUn Trubi unit. Geochrono-
            logic/chronostratighraphic units (in parenthesis): Qua Quaternary; MIS5.5 Tyrrhenian; Md Ple Middle Pleistocene; Lw-Md Ple Lower–
            Middle Pleistocene; Em-Sic Emilian– Sicilian; Sant Santernian; Cal Calabrian; Gel Gelasiano; Up Pli upper Pliocene; LwPli lower Pliocene;
            Ms Messinian; Tr-Ms Tortonian– Messinian; Cz Cenozoic; Mz Mesozoic.
                                                                              GEOLOGICA CARPATHICA, 2017, 68, 1, 80 – 93
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