Page 10 - Cipriano_Madonia_alii_2017
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             Fig. 7. Morphoevolutionary model of western Sicily. See text for discussion.

            slab involves uplift (Doglioni 1991), and processes of gradual   and lows located on previously lowered and uplifted, faulted
            land emersion. On the other hand, if the low rates of uplift   blocks, respectively. Rounded hills were formed again, where
            (0.032 m/ky) have ensured that the sea returns to the same   erosion totally  removed  the Miocene  layers of hard rocks.
            level several times, creating well developed polycyclic plat-  Therefore, data analysis shows  that the strong denudation
            forms, and that the slow emersion of the latter produces the   involves novel and continuously changing landforms, although
            present-day  existence  of broad  and  well  preserved  flat  sur-  relief modelling affects these areas for a long time.
            faces in the south-western coastal areas, the higher uplift rates   In north-western Sicily and the Sicani Mountains, the ever
            we achieve in the south-eastern coastal areas (0.4 m/ky) better   deeper progress of the erosion led to the exhumation of the
            explain the numerous orders of marine terraces present here,   oldest rock successions in Sicily (Mesozoic–lower Oligocene
            consisting of smaller wave-cut platforms strongly dissected by   carbonates). The result is a geomorphological setting charac-
            river valleys (Chappell 1983; Schumann et al. 2012 and refe-  terized by large landforms due to differential erosion. Gene-
            rences therein).                                  rally, the down-cutting processes considerably slowed down
              The geomorphological setting of central-, and north-western   along the resistant carbonate rocks, located on structural highs,
            Sicily is the result of the interaction between the tectonic uplift   producing an elevated and large mountain relief (pop-up or
            acting to elevate the relief and the following processes of river   anticline-type  mountains);  whereas they acted  with greater
            incision  and denudation  in general, which tend to lower it,   strength and depth along the easily erodible  rocks (upper
            removing great volumes of rock (e.g., Summerfield  1991;     Oligocene–Miocene clays and marls) still preserved in struc-
            Kooi & Beaumont 1996; Burbank & Anderson 2012). These   tural lows, creating deep and wide river valleys (synclinal or
            regions represent areas that became dry land long ago, and   triangle zone-type valleys). The cause which led to a general
            where  erosion has already  removed  younger  upper  clastic   matching  between  topography  and tectonic  structure  is the
            deposits, destroyed ancient marine terraces, and progressively   geological  setting  marked  by weak rocks above  hard rocks
            exhumed older underlying rock.                    (Agnesi et al. 2000; Di Maggio 2000); unlike central-western
              In central-western Sicily, river incision and denudation pro-  Sicily, where the occurrence of weak rocks beneath hard rocks
            cesses over time dismantled more resistant Quaternary cover   permitted the development of relief inversion processes. How-
            rocks and unearthed easily erodible Neogene rocks below.   ever, the large distribution  of resistant carbonate  rocks in
              Isolated,  rounded  hills  originated on the  latter.  Anticlinal   north-western Sicily is responsible for the preservation of the
            ridges and synclinal valleys developed where the progressive   oldest landforms of Sicily, such as the not fully developed pla-
            down-cutting has resulted in the exhumation of deeper folded   nation surfaces with their hanging, small ridges and hills, and
            layers of hard rock (middle–upper Miocene evaporite lime-  abandoned valleys.  Within the geomorphological  literature,
            stones and gypsum, and conglomeratic  and sandstone   a similar  landform  set  is known as palaeolandscape
            benches). In the innermost areas, where a major incision par-    (Widdowson 1997 and references  therein),  gentle  erosional
            tially brought to light masses of weak rock again (Oligocene–  landscape (Amato & Cinque 1999) or relict landscape (Clark
            middle Miocene clayey component deposits) relief inversion   et al. 2006). Though the best potential for their preservation
            processes (Summerfield 1991; Pain & Ollier 1995) produced   exists in the cratonic cores and in the tectonically stable inte-
            synclinal ridges and anticlinal valleys, or topographic highs   riors of continents, planation surfaces and low-relief surfaces

                                                                              GEOLOGICA CARPATHICA, 2017, 68, 1, 80 – 93
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