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            may  also be  identified  within  several  orogenic  belts  (e.g.,   would “passively” involve and drag up the lowered hanging
              Winkler-Hermaden 1957; Adams 1985; Iwata 1987; Kennan   wall laid on it.
            et al. 1997; Amato & Cinque 1999; Frisch et al. 2000; Clark et   More generally, the crustal shortening, thickening and con-
            al. 2006; Legrain et al. 2014). In agreement with the interpre-  sequent isostatic compensation affecting all zones of collision
            tation of Amato & Cinque (1999) for the Campano–Lucano   can explain the low rates of widespread uplift (maximum
            Apennines, the relicts of the planation surfaces and their con-  value 0.4 m/ky) recorded in western Sicily from south to north
            nected  landforms of western  Sicily  belong  to  uncompleted   (Babault & Van Den Driessche 2013; Schoenbohm 2013 and
            erosion cycles that had a duration of some hundred thousand   references therein).
            years and that occurred during the construction of the chain,   The effects of the tectonic processes affecting the whole of
            when the relief was located at a lower elevation, but higher   western Sicily (gradual Quaternary uplift from south to north;
            and far from the base-level (S coast), though the topographical   sudden Emilian block-faulting to its northern side) consist of
            surface was gently graded. The subsequent erosion then cut   a strong asymmetry in its topographic profile, with a northern
            down the surrounding areas on weak rock, leaving low-relief   slope much  shorter and steeper  than  the  southern slope.
            surfaces on resistant rock. In addition, these relicts remained   Accordingly, the steeper northern rivers with a higher erosion
            until the present-day because the Sicilian Apennines are a very   power are characterized by regressive erosion and over time
            recent belt, lately surfaced, and the erosion has not had enough   have enlarged their catchment  areas at the expense of the
            time to lead to intersection of river valleys and to reach the   southern  river  basins,  through  capture  phenomena  (see
            innermost areas.                                  inverted drainage phenomena in the head areas on the northern
              In the northern end of western Sicily and after the construc-  river basins). Following these processes, the regional water-
            tion of an elevated relief, the important extensional tectonic   shed is currently located further south than the line connecting
            event that occurred during the Calabrian stage (about 1.5 Ma   the highest mountain peaks of Sicily.
            — Hugonie  1982) produced  normal  faults  representing  the   Furthermore, the river down-cutting, uplift movements, and
            peripheral effect of the back-arc extension of the Tyrrhenian   extensional  tectonics  result in a high relief  that  is a major
            Sea (Amato & Cinque 1999; Nigro & Renda 2005; Pepe et al.   cause of the development of the surface landslides and DSGSD
            2005; Caiazzo et al. 2006; Di Stefano et al. 2007; Cuffaro et al.   phenomena  affecting  the  mountain  areas  of northern  Sicily
            2011; Carminati & Doglioni 2012). These faults resulted in the   (Di Maggio et al. 2014 and references therein; Agnesi et al. 2015).
            displacement of the previous low-relief surfaces and the dis-  Finally, as regards the timing of the geomorphological evo-
            mantling, collapse, and lowering of the northernmost margin   lution of Sicily it is necessary to specify the following con-
            of the  Sicilian  mountain  belt  under  the  Tyrrhenian  Sea.   straints: (1) the deep-water marly carbonates of the Trubi unit
              Furthermore, the extensional event produced the large fault   testify that the studied fold and thrust belt was still largely
            scarps hundreds of metres tall, some of which were changed   submerged  by the  sea  up to  the lower  Pliocene  (3.6 Ma);
            into sea cliffs, and allowed the deposition of the Marsala   (2) the marine clastic deposits of the Agrigento fm. indicate
              synthem along the drowned faulted-blocks that were affected   that the emersion of the southern areas of western Sicily began
            by subsidence during the Emilian-Sicilian regional stages. As   after the post-Santernian (1.5 Ma ago); (3) the shallow-water
            a result of a subsequent uplift event (during or shortly after the   clastic deposits of the Marsala synthem and their relationships
            Sicilian stage) these blocks gradually emerged starting during   with the substratum show that the areas of the northern side
            the Middle Pleistocene stage, as indicated by the present-day   were above the surface in the pre-Emilian (before 1.5 Ma),
            stair-step flights of uplifted  marine terraces of the Middle-   submerged during the Emilian–Sicilian interval (1.5 – 0.8 Ma
            Upper Pleistocene stages, which are located in the northern   ago), and again emerged from the Sicilian regional stage (after
            coastal plains up to about 100-300 m a.s.l. Based on the alti-  0.8 Ma ago). Consequently, the emersion of the older areas of
            tude of the inner edge of the MIS 5.5 and in agreement with   central and northern Sicily and the beginning of the first relief
            the researchers who studied these coastal areas (Mauz et al.   modelling processes occurred between 3.6 –1.5 Ma ago.
            1997; Antonioli  et al. 1999, 2006; Di Maggio et al. 1999;
              Scicchitano et al. 2011; Giunta et al. 2012; ; Sulli et al. 2013;
            Basilone  &  Di Maggio  2016) the  average  rate  of the  post-     Conclusion
            Tyrrhenian uplift is between about 0.032 – 0.1 (NW coast) and
            0.36  m/ky  (NE  coast).  Generally,  a  few,  large  polycyclic   The  reconstruction of the  geomorphological  evolution  of
            coastal platforms overlooking the MIS  5.5 marine terrace   western Sicily highlights the following:
            developed  where  the  uplift  rate  is  less  than  0.1  m/ky  (e.g.,   •  The  occurrence  of a very recent  mountain  belt,  which
              Trapani and San Vito lo Capo areas); while successions of several   started its geomorphological evolution less than 3.6 Ma ago
            orders of marine terraces consisting of smaller coastal plat-  and only recently rose above sea level.
            forms occurred where the uplift rate is higher than 0.1– 0.15 m/ky   •  The creation of new relief in the southern areas affected
            (e.g., plain of Buonfornello; Sant’Agata di Militello area).  by uplift, the causes of which are to be found in the elastic
              On the northern side of Sicily, the post-Sicilian uplift causes   rebound of the Iblean-Pelagian  slab following the
            of the previously subsiding blocks might be found in the con-  south-westward  constant  migration  of the  accretionary
            tinuous rise of the footwall of the extensional faults, which   wedge and its foredeep.

            GEOLOGICA CARPATHICA, 2017, 68, 1, 80 – 93
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