Page 3 - FGamberi1992
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This depocentre is the resull of interaction different (Fig. 8). with a greater thickness
between two separate extensional episodes, the usually to the south.
younger of which had the greater effect.
This could indicate strike-slip activity or
o· the inversion of south-dipping extensional
Figure 6. Line G-33 showing an ex1ensional faull faults.
bounding 10 the wes1 depocentre 2. The basai Basin 2. The eastern depocentre is
detachment marked by the arrows has a depth of 2.8
s. and is shallower lhan in Fig.7. Triangle indicates bounded by extensional faults with strikes
the tie with line G-60. parallel to that of the basin elongation.
Control faults dip southwest. The sedimentary
fill of this depocentre was affected by two
shortening episodes the first of which
occurred early in the basin evolution and
originated a small thrustt at the basin centre
(Fig. 9, arrow A). The second episode is quite
recent and folded the sediments at the basin
margin (Fig. 10, arrow B).
Figu re 7. Linc G-60 p3ssing pcrpendicular to Figure 9. Line G-69 showing two shortening
episodes within sedimcnts of southcrnmost basin 2.
Figure 6. A NE-SW striking <1nd NW dipping fault The older (arrow A) has a NW-SE strike, parallel 10
th~t of thc profile, thc younger (arrow B) has a NE-
occurs 10 1hc south or lhe centrai d~pocentrc of basi n SW strike. The tic with line G-37 is indicated by the
2. Thc sh;1llow dc tach rrh!nl of thc fault that bounds
Thc western dcpoce ntrc is controlled by
thc dcpoc~nlcr to thc w.::st (Figure 6) is marked by NW -SE trcnding faults that di p southwest.
Shortcning affectcd thc scdimentary fili and
Gth-c:na.rrow.s. Th c trian!!lc inù ic11cs thc tie with line originatcd structurcs with strikc paraUel to the
basin axis.
Discussion and Conclusions
Prcliminary analysis indicatcs thc presence
of Plio-Quatcrnary basins superposed onto
thc Maghrcbian FTB. offshore western Sicily.
Figure 8. Line G-30 illustrating an eastward
thickening and of the Plio-Quaternary succession in
thc northernmost sidc of basin l. Folding may be
c.aused by inversion of a SW dippin o extensional
lault bctween arrows. Note abrupt change in Plio- Figure lO Line G-37 lying perpendicular to the older
Quatcrnary thickness in the castcrn part of the compressional structure of Fig. 9. This structure has
profilc. a NW-SE strike. The triangle marks the tic with line
In thc northcmmost depocentrc, structures
with N-S. NE-SW. and E-W strike are present. Basin 2 has the most complex
Scdimcntary successions are markedly deformational pattern along its southeastern
side where its orientation changes from NW-