Page 4 - FGamberi1992
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SE to N-S. Here sedimentary fill has been          affected by left latera1 simple shear show
affected by at Ieast two different shortening      structures having forrns analogous to those on
episodes during regional extension.                this part of the Sicilian-Tunisian Platform.

    Basi n 1 shows the m ost complex pattem of         We interpret this N-S lineament connected
deformation along its northwestem side.            to the Egadi Valley as a sinistral strike-slip
                                                   fau1 t acti ng as a transfer zone. This zone
    A st ructural high o riented between N-S       separates an area of the Sicily channel
and NW-SE seen on both the bathymetric and         characterized by large NE-SW oriented
the P lio-Quatemary isochron map, separates        extension. the trough system, from an area to
the two basins. Both basins have their most        the west were extension effects are negligible.
defom1ed areas adjacem to it This high is tlie
prolongation of the Egadi Valley that                  Acknowledgements. Gino Zini is thanked
connects this area to the Pantelleria Trough to    for figures drawing. Contribution n. 907 of
the SE.                                            Istituto per la Geologia MaFina- CNR.

    Geologica! examp les and modelling
(Christie-Blick and Biddle 1985) of a region


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