Page 1 - Frixa_Miuccio_Paleog-evolution_EAGE
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                                                            Fta. 2 Chrononrotlarophlc chort                                                   Fl•. la Chronastr<nii"'Phlc chan

                    & ort u n t d A~o  - NE-SW Co,.kwon     The Liassic-Triassic carbonate platform has been the hydrocarbon target of many wells
                  Ouonostrot Chorts                         drilled in the Sicily Channel over the last decades. The late Triassic sediments are
                                                            currently the deepest horizon reached in this sector of the African foreland.
Fl.. l lndex map

The stratigraphic and petrographic studies carried out on these wells (Fig. l) and on those drilled in the foreland of
onshore Sicily have led to the reconstruction ( Fig. 2-2a) of the palaeographic evolution of the examined area.

                                            Upper Rhaelian

c = J c = JTidol Rot (Soocco Fm_)           ~~": ~~Fms)

c = J ::.:.~~bopor<tJ< Compfex)

Fla. 3 Upper Tf'losslc focles dlstrlbutlon                                                   Fla. 4 Oolonone wlth Meplodonu                   Fla. 4o Oolostone-onhydrfte lnterbeddlnp (Epdl lslonds)

                                          (Fig.3): the Hyblean - Saccense carbonate platform (Sciacca Fm.) was characterised by
dolomitic tidal deposits with local open shallow platform episodes (Fig. 4). In the southern and western offshore and in
the Egadi islands (Abate et al., 1982), frequent evaporitic interbeddings are present (Fig. 4a); these are linked to a
graduai change in the depositional enviroment toward sabkha conditions, typical of the Tunisian domain (Adjadj Fm.).

Eastwards, in the Hyblean foreland, the Triassic platform changes, through marginai
facies, to an euxinic basin environment (Streppenosa Fm.). This basin extended to

                                        most of the Hyblean offshore and onshore (Antonelli et al.,
                                        1988, Frixa et al., in press).
                                        In the Saccense offshore, some small local triassic-liassic
                                        basins, characterised by carbonate-argillaceous interbeddings,

                                                                                                  Egadi islands (Marettimo
                                                                                                  and Favignana) shows
                                                                                                  lagoon facies with
                                                                                                  argillaceous interbeddings
                                                                                                  in the lower part of the
                                                                                                  Sciacca Fm. (Fig. 5 e Sa),
                                                                                                  like the Noto Fm.
                                                                                                  (Rhaetian) of the Hyblean
                                                                                                  sector (Fig. 6 ).

Fla. 5 e 5o Umestone-sholes fnterbeddfnp (Epdllslonds; upper Trfosslc)                                                                        Fla. 6 Umestone-sholes lnter'beddfnp
                                                                                                                                                       (Noto Fm. of Hybleon sector; Rhoe tlonJ
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