Page 2 - Frixa_Miuccio_Paleog-evolution_EAGE
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.-l . ~                                                                                                               (Fig.7): the carbonate platform condition (lnici
o-- ,./'                                                             Fm.) extended throughout the Saccense offshore and onshore. In this
                                      Smemurion-Pfi~nsbochion        domain, the facies is generally that of a restricted or tidal platform with local
- - \ .-. 1 \.                        D .... (Modoco Fm.-T.... Fm.)  high-energy events. Toward the east (Hyblean sector) there is an increase in
                                                                     high-energy levels. The margin of the platform is clearly marked by the
                           (In/d Fm)                                 appearance of slope facies (Rabbito Fm.), that prelude to more markedly
D Sklpe O(Robbrto Fm FO!cont Fm J No, ~f1011/eros10,           basinalsediments (Modica Fm.)•
                                                                     Also in the north-west it is possible to recognize a slope depositional
                                                                     enviroment, outcropping in the Egadi lslands and referred to as the Monte
                                                                     Falcone Unit (Abate et al., 1982). In the offshore, basinal carbonate deposits
                                                                     were drilled north of the Egadi lslands.

FIJ . 7 Sl,.murian-PIIensbochlan (ada d lltrlbutlon

                                                                                                                                                : the carbonate platform could
                                                                     have emerged, mainly in the southernmost sector of the offshore, where
                                                                     there was lack of sedimentation up to the Neocomian.
                                                                     In the northernmost part, up to the present shoreline, the sinking of the
                                                                     platform occurred at the end of the Toarcian and sea-month areas set up
                                                                     (Rosso Ammonitico Fm.). The seamount domain gradually extended
                                                                     southwards to the initially emerged areas of the central-eastern sector.
                                                                     To the west of the Egadi lslands the depositional enviroment remained
                                                                     basinal as in the Hyblean sector, where, however, carbonate deposits were
                                                                     associated wlth thlck submarine lava flows (Fig. 8).

Flr . l Upper Uas-DOJPr facles d lltrlbutlon

                                                                                                     while the centrai part of the studied area was stili emerged

SICILY CHAN NEL: Nf.SW COM.E.LATION                                                                  (or characterised by non-deposition), the northern part was

                                              """'"'''""""'                                          gradually evolving from sea-mount to basin (Lattimusa Fm.) .

                                                                                                     : also the centrai area

                                                                                                     sank (Fig. 9) and received the terrigenous inputs typical of the

                                                                                                     African area (Sidi Kralif, Hammeima and Fahdene Fms.); only

                                                                                                     the finest sediments reached the northern sector (Hybla

                                                                                                     Fm.). To the South (Pelagian sector), the carbonate-

                                                                                                     terrigenous supply could have led to a partial filling of the

                                                                     Hauterivion p.p.. Ap!ion p.p.   basin, as the basinal deposits are interbedded, from
                                                                                                     Hauterivian to Albian (Fig. l 0), with thick shallow marine

FIJ . t Slclly Channel: N &SW Correlatlon                                                            horizons (Djebel Nehal, Serdj, Bou Hedma and Sidi Aich

                                                                                                               Fms.). The Maltese domain was dominated by dolomitic
                                                             FIJ. l O Upper Ha uterivlan-Lower Aptlan facles dlstributlan shallow platform sediments (Naxxar Gr.).

                                                            : the dlfferentlation between the southern and northern zones of the offshore
decreased. In fact, in the whole Sicily Channel, basinal carbonate deposition (Scaglia Fm.) set up.
In the Maltese domain the dolomitic sedimentation of the Naxxar Gr. continued.

                                                                          : the centrai-western part was interested by argillaceous inputs of Tunisian
origin (El Haria Fm.).
In the Hyblean offshore, many volcanic layers occurred In the Scaglia Fm•• The most significant volcanlc unlt is the Porto
Palo Fm. (Maastrichtian in age); because of its deposition, the environment evolved from basln into a carbonate platform.

                                                                                       : (Fig. l l)  REFERENCES
                                                                     the sahllow carbonate
                                                                     platform extended               ABATE.B..LO C ICERO.G..RENDA.P. I982.
                                                                     from the Maltese                Facies carbonatiche ed evaporitiche del Trias superiore di Marettimo. Rend Soc. Geo/. lt..S,ll -76.
                                                                     domain westwards to             ANTONELLI,M.,FRANCIOSI,R..PEZZI,G.,QUERCI,A.,RONCO,G.P.& VEZZAN I,F. 1988.
                                                                     the Pelagian area               Paleogeographic evolution and structural setting of the northern side of the Sicily Channel.
                                                                     (Halk e l Mendzel Fm.;          M em. Soc. Geo/. /t.,4 1.141 - l 57.
                                                                     Bismuth et al., 1981)           BISMUTH,H.& BONNEFOUS.j. l98 1.
                                                                     and towards north-              The b'1ostratigraphy of carbonate d e posits of the middle and upper Eoce ne in northeaste rn
                                                                     east to the Hyble an            off-shore Tunisia, Pa/eogeography, Paleoc/imatology, Palaeoecology, 36,191 -21 l .
                                                                     one (Cozzo Cugni                CATALANO.R.& D'ARGENIO.B., I982.
                                                                     Fm.).                           Guida alla Geologia della Sicilia Occidentale. Mem. Soc. Geo/. /t
                                                                                                     FRIXA.A..BERTAMON I.M ..CATRULLO.D..TRINCIANTI.E..MlUCCIO. G .
f lr. l l Nllddle Eocene facles dlltrlbutlon                                                         Late Norian-Hettangian paleogeography in the area between wells Noto l and Polpo l
                                                                                                     (S-E Sicily). M em . Soc. Geo/. /t. ('In press).

                                                                                                                                                                      l !Gruppo D1segno Sieco
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