Page 17 - LaVecchia_Ferrarini_alii_2007
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G. Lavecchia et al. / Tectonophysics 445 (2007) 145–167
                                                                                   interpretation.  its  and province  the  of boundaries surface  the schematizes corner  left upper  the  on  map  The  section  the shows profile crustal interpretative  The deep).  (e.g.  D  and shallow)  (e.g.  S labelled respectively  Mid-to-  3 zone; aseismic Agrigento–Licata  —  2 province; seismotectonic compressional crust Upper  —  1  —  8

                                                                                   seismogenic sub-province,  Key:  domain;  —  11  Table  in dataset  for completeness sub-province

                                                                                   and  grey) sub-provinces. seismotectonic  M aw ≥ 5.5;  the  of  for

                                                                                   province  (dark  the  of Extensional  with  from extracted  windows  value  ER

                                                                                   seismotectonic  crust mid-lower configuration  —  4 Earthquakes  are table  time  =  #  the area;

                                                                                   SBT  a  and  surface  province;  —  the  ΔTC release;  dotted

                                                                                   the  grey)  the  10  and  in

                                                                                   about  (light  on control seismotectonic  9 earthquakes  energy Agrigento–Licata

                                                                                   information  crust  its  and  compression;  The  =  ER Key:

                                                                                   of  upper  an  SBT compressional  active  association.  aseismic
                                                                                   Summary  into  the  of  of  computation.  for km 2

                                                                                   10.  subdivision  shape  crust  front earthquakes  3100

                                                                                   Fig.  view  lower  Outer  release  ~
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