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G. Lavecchia et al. / Tectonophysics 445 (2007) 145–167        153

        front, may also be found in the literature. The pointed out  1997; Azzaro, 1999; Obrizzo et al., 2001; Patanè and
        evidence mainly consists in high-resolution seismic  Privitera, 2001; Patanè et al., 2004; Monaco et al., 2005).
        profiles which image compressive deformation and  Our final selected dataset is projected in the epicentral
        folding of Holocene turbidites at the thrust front (Cita  map in Fig. 6 and consists of nearly 500 earthquakes with
        et al., 1984; Hieke et al., 2005), as well as in a possible  2.5≤Ml≤4.6. The maximum concentration of low to
        association with historical earthquakes (Gutscher et al.,  moderate events (Ml max 4.6) is observed in the Etna
        2006).                                           area and in the surrounding regions in eastern Sicily;
           The presence of seismic activity related to active  some seismicity is recorded in northern-central Sicily
        shearing along the SBT and its inner splay might  (Ml max 4.1) and in the Marsala–Mazara area in western
        evidently be a strong argument in support of a still active  Sicily (Ml max 4.0). Only poor background seismicity
        SBT. As a matter of fact, seismogenic N–S compression  characterizes the area where the Belice 1968 seismic
        is documented beneath the Etna volcanic area, at depths  sequence occurred. It consisted of eight major events
        between 10 and 30 km (Cocina et al., 1997; Neri et al.,  with moment magnitude (M w ) between 4.7 and 5.5 from
        2005a), as well as it is pointed out in western and central  the 14th to 25th of January (Anderson and Jackson,
        Sicily (Monaco et al., 1996; Caccamo et al., 1996; Jenny  1987), followed by hundreds of aftershocks until the
        et al., 2006). With the approach of this paper, in order to  beginning of June (De Panfilis and Marcelli, 1968), with
        detect any eventual indication of seismogenic shearing  a cumulative moment magnitude of nearly 6.1, as esti-
        on the SBT and on its hangingwall splay, we will ana-  mated by Working Group CPTI (2004). The Agrigento–
        lyze the present and the long-term seismicity which  Licata–Canicattì area in central-southern Sicily is almost
        occurs in the area corresponding to the SBT surface  completely aseismic. The number of events and the
        projection, between the contour depth lines 0-to-30 km.  energy release, evaluated using the magnitude–energy
        The major historical and early instrumental earthquakes  relationship log E=9.9+1.9Ml+0.024Ml 2  valid for
        occurred in the time period 217 B.C to 2006, and also  M≤4.5 (Richter, 1958), are shown for classes of depths
        the background seismicity recorded from 1981 to 2006,  in the histograms of Fig. 7. The two histograms depict a
        will be considered sourcing information from seismic  rather similar bimodal pattern: 30% of events occur
        catalogues and detailed papers.                  within the upper crust at depths less than ~ 10 km, the
                                                         remaining at depths between 10 and 20 km, with a
        4. The seismological dataset                     highest concentration within the lower crust, at nearly
                                                         25 km. Almost 65% of the total energy is released within
        4.1. Instrumental seismicity                     the lower crust, approximately at depths between 20 and
                                                         30 km, but a small peak may also be observed at nearly
           From two instrumental seismic catalogues available  10 km.
        on line (CSI 1.1 1981–2002 by Castello et al., 2006;  In the area across the Etna volcanic edifice, it has
        Bollettino Sismico, 2003–2006), we extracted the events  been possible to perform a more detailed analysis of the
        that occurred during the time interval 1981 to 2006  depth distribution of the seismicity and to speculate on
        within the area above the 0-to-30 km SBT depth-contour  the likely relationships with the geometry of the active
        lines (grey area in Fig. 6), at depth b 40 km. In order to  tectonic structures. This because a large number of
        obtain a rather homogenous and good quality dataset  papers based on microseismic data gathered in this zone
        without losing information, we applied and compared  is available and, in general, the instrument quality and
        various selection criteria; we changed, for example, the  number of measurement points of the local seismic
        numbers of minimum phase readings, the azimuthal gap  networks have been highly improved during the last few
        and the magnitude threshold. All the obtained datasets  years. In the map of Fig. 8a and in the section A–A' of
        gave comparable information on the surface and depth  Fig. 8b, we have projected a selection of good quality
        earthquake distribution. Therefore, we decided to use  crustal microseimic events (Ml N 2.5, depth b 40 km,
        the selection that the majority of the literature adopts  gap b 100°, phase readings N 10, RMS b 0.5s) extracted
        (RMS b 0.5s, gap b 200°, phase readings N 10 and  from Bollettino Sismico (2003–2006) and recorded
        magnitude Ml≥2.5). From the dataset selected with  within a half-width of 35 km from the trace of section
        this criterion, we excluded the events sited at depths  A–A' by the Eastern Sicilian Permanent Seismic
        shallower than 8 km beneath the Etna volcanic edifice  Network and by the Italian National Permanent Seismic
        (hatched circle area in Fig. 6), as these events would be  Network during the time between 2005 and 2006. In the
        more probably linked with the volcanic dynamics rather  same map and section, we have also projected good-
        than with the regional tectonic process (Castellano et al.,  quality microseismic events extracted from background
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