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150                         G. Lavecchia et al. / Tectonophysics 445 (2007) 145–167

         Fig. 4. Kinematic map of Sicily, with schematization of major compressional domains and kinematic units (KU) and with traces of the crustal
         sections in Fig. 5. In the map, the four first-order KU (numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4) and some second order KU (numbers 1a, 1b and 2a, 2b, 2c) are
         identified. The KU progressively developed from north to south involving in the deformation stratigraphic successions pertaining to different late
         Paleozoic to Cenozoic paleogeographic domains (e.g. the Peloritani crystalline units, the Sicilide pelagic domain, the Panormide shelf to slope
         carbonatic domain, the Imerese slope to basinal domain, the Trapanese shelf to pelagic carbonatic domain, the Sicani basinal domain, the
         Saccense shelf to pelagic carbonatic domain and the Gela foredeep domain; Catalano and d'Argenio, 1982; Ghisetti and Vezzani, 1984; Catalano
         et al., 1989; Ben Avraham et al., 1990; Nigro and Renda, 1999). The KU boundaries depicted in the map have been derived from a
         simplification and extrapolation of the tectonic elements drawn in the structural map of Fig. 2. KU 4 consists of Alpine-derived Calabro–
         Peloritani tectonic units involved in the Apennine–Maghrebide deformation mainly during late Oligocene–early Miocene times; KU 3 consists
         of Sicilide, Panormide, Imerese p.p. and Trapanese p.p. tectono-stratigraphic units mainly deforming in early–middle Miocene times; KU 2c
         consists of M.Grande–M.Inici Rocca Busambra Trapanese terrains and of inferred buried Imerese p.p. tectono-stratigraphic units in the Mt.
         Zimmara–Regalbuto area; KU 2b consists of Sicani Mts. and Mt. Genuardo tectono-stratigraphic units mainly deforming in late Miocene times;
         KU 2a consists of M.Judica–M.Scalpello Sicani units and of M.Magaggiaro–P.zzo Telegrafo Saccense p.p. tectono-stratigraphic units involved
         in the deformation in Pliocene times; KU 1b consists of Saccense terrains deformed in Plio-Quaternary times at the hanging wall of Menfi–
         Sciacca–Agrigento–Settefarine–Caltagirone–Ramacca–Catania front; KU 1a consists of deformed Gela foredeep terrains at the hanging wall of
         the SBT, whose front extends along the alignment offshore Sciacca–offshore Licata–Gela–Mineo–Southern Catania plain.

         Moho segments drawn in the sections of Fig. 5 are  the discontinuity between slices 1 and 2 in the profiles of
         almost exclusively derived from the depth-contour map  Fig. 5, may also be inferred by several other published
         of the Moho discontinuity by Finetti (2005),witha  Moho maps (Morelli, 2000; Cassinis et al., 2003; Sartori
         minor integration of information from WARR deep  et al., 2004; Cassinis et al., 2005). In the proposed
         seismic sounding profiles by Chironi et al. (2000). The  interpretation, each Moho segment represents the crust–
         presence of a northward dipping lithospheric thrust  mantle boundary of a distinct crustal slice. Each slice is
         that overlaps the thinned Tyrrhenian crust above the  bounded at the top and at the base by major inward
         thickened Sicilian thrust, and which corresponds with  deepening tectonic discontinuities, which dislocate the
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