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G. Lavecchia et al. / Tectonophysics 445 (2007) 145–167        147

        the Plio-Quaternary Gela foredeep deposits, which sep-  richness of structural details, such as anticline and
        arate the collapsed margin of the foreland from the  syncline fold axes and minor thrust and strike–slip
        frontal thrust of the chain, are also present. (Lickorish  faults, that may be found in the map was fundamental in
        et al., 1999; Guarnieri et al., 2002).           order to reconstruct the geometry of major thrust fronts
           The major Sicilian tectonic elements are shown in the  bounding different tectonic units. An arc-shaped,
        structural map of Fig. 2, also with an indication of their  southward convex, general setting is clearly evident
        likely age. This map, which was drawn at an original  and mainly determined by the prevalence of WNW–
        scale of 1:500,000, is the result of an original,  ESE structural trends on the western side of the island
        georeferenced, integration and compilation of a large  and of ENE–WSW structural trends on the eastern side,
        quantity of information derived from literature, espe-  with a relevant right-lateral strike slip component along
        cially geological maps and profiles at different scales  the WNW–ESE direction (Grasso et al., 1995; Nigro
        (see references in the captions of Figs. 2 and 3). The  and Renda, 2001b). The arched shape of the SBT does

        Fig. 1. Tectonic framework of the study area with major structural domains of southern Italy. Key: 1 — Calabria–Peloritani metamorphic thrust
        units; 2 — Apennine–Maghrebide early Miocene to Quaternary fold-and-thrust system; 3 — foredeep deposits; 4 — Hyblean and Apulian
        foreland; 5—thrust front of the Alpine-derived Calabria–Peloritani units; 6 — Outer front of the Apennine–Maghrebide chain; 7 — Outer limit of
        upper crust active extension; 8 — Sicily Channel normal and normal-oblique fault system; 9 — Normal and normal-oblique faults in the Tyrrhenian
        Sea; 10 — Malta Escarpment.
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