Page 19 - MSc_thesis_R A Kil
P. 19

• Facies maps and photo panels
    • Conceptual geological model of eastern Favignana
    • Three dimensional geological models of facies and reservoir units
A reservoir model in the subsurface is usually based on well data combined with a conceptual model of
the regional geology. While a subsurface model is unlikely to be totally correct it is commonly accepted
that, despite the errors, it can be used as a simplification of the reality. Similarly, a three-dimensional
facies model of an outcropping rock package, due to the limited standard software capability will also not
be entirely correct. However, in the case of Favignana the errors generated by the modelling algorithm
will be visible due to the high density of quarries and outcrops.
This study represents the first attempt to describe the internal structure of the eastern Favignana
calcarenite, instead of treating it as one unit, as done so far (Abate et al., 1997; D’Angelo et al., 2005;
Tavarnelli et al., 2003). The large number of outcrops of large dimensions and the large variety of
different facies makes definition of reservoir units which can represent the complex reservoir architecture
a challenging task.

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