Page 96 - MSc_thesis_R A Kil
P. 96

B Geological photo panels

To illustrate some interesting sedimentary structures, several photo sequences have been acquired in the
field and photo panels are made. They consist of on average four to five photos stitched together to form
a wide screen panorama. The interpreted structures are displayed below the panels. Below is an overview
of the different interpreted locations and related panels in this report.

   Table B.1 – Overview of the geological photo panels.

   Panel  Location                Feature(s)
   B.2    Cala Rossa              Dune progradation
   B.3    Scalo Cavallo           Big scour fills
   B.4    Bue Marino              Scour and fill sequence
   B.5    Cala Azzurra            Large scale foresets
   B.6    South of Scalo Cavallo  Thickness and quarrying

The map below shows the location of the photo panels. The index refers to the figure number of the
corresponding panel.

                                  Favignana  B.3  Scala Cavallo  Cala
                                               B.6               Rossa


                                                                 B.4Bue Marino

0  1 km   2 km                                                B.5


Figure B.1 – Locations of the photo panels shown in this appendix.

   91   92   93   94   95   96   97   98   99   100   101