Page 2 - Malatesta
P. 2

F. Angelelli et al.

                                                                                      Mines  under the high scientific supervi-
                                                                                      sion of the Royal Geological Committee.
                                                                                      In the same  decree (Art. 7) it was
                                                                                      “…istituito l’Ufficio geologico al  quale  è
                                                                                      annesso uno speciale gabinetto nel quale
                                                                                      verranno disposti e classificati i minerali, i
                                                                                      fossili e le  rocce raccolte nei lavori di
                                                                                      campagna. Nello stesso gabinetto saran-
                                                                                      no riuniti i libri, le carte e gl’istrumenti e-
                                                                                      sistenti in Firenze presso il Comitato geo-
                                                                                      logico” […established the  Geological
                                                                                      Office  to  which  a special Cabinet is an-
                                                                                      nexed where minerals, fossils and rocks
                                                                                      collected during the field surveys  will be
                                                                                      stored. In the same  Cabinet also all
                                                                                      books, maps  and  instruments now loca-
                                                                                      ted at the Geological  Committee in Flo-
                                                                                      rence, will took place] (SPERANDIO  &
                                                                                      ZANFRÀ, 1995). So, the first  nucleus of
                                                                                      the litho-mineralogical and  paleontologi-
                                                                                      cal Collections and the  Library of the
                                                                                      forthcoming Italian Geological Survey
                                                                                      was born. At the same time, the publica-
                                                                                      tion of the “Bollettino del Regio Comitato
                                                                                      Geologico  d’Italia”  [Bulletin of the Royal
                                                                                      Italian Geological Committee] and of the
                                                                                      “Memorie per Servire alla  descrizione
                                                                                      della Carta Geologica  d’Italia” [Memoirs
                                                                                      for the description of the Geological Map
                                                                                      of Italy]  was started to gather the field
                                                                                      researches for the compilation of the
                                                                                      Geological Map.  The two  journals had
                                                                                      the aim to disseminate the geological re-
                                                                                      searches developed in Italy and funded
                                                                                      by  the  Italian Government. During over
                          political and science man. A. Malatesta started to work   one century from its foundation, the denomination of the
                          at the Italian Geological Survey on the 1  of September   Royal Geological Office has changed several times, to-
                          1950. He was the Head of the Scientific Laboratory of   gether with its location, up to the present denomination
                          the Ministry for Italian Africa, and his task was the geo-  Geological Survey of Italy-ISPRA (Servizio Geologico
                          logical survey for the compilation  of the official   d’Italia - ISPRA) located in Via Curtatone 3, Roma.
                          1.100.000 Geological Map of Italy, during which he also   One of the leading figure in the history of the Geo-
                          contributed to the collection and identification of numer-  logical Survey of Italy is certainly A. Malatesta. During
                          ous fossil remains (Fig. 1).                     his over 20 years of permanence in the Geological Sur-
                              It is worth to remember, that the history of the Ital-  vey, he developed an incessant activity carried out with
                          ian Official Geological Map started in 1861 when Quin-  constant passion, commitment and professional  com-
                          tino Sella, at that time Minister of Finance, sent a report   petence.  He was moved by the pleasure for the re-
                          to the Ministry  of Agriculture, Industry and  Commerce   search and  study more than  by sense of duty, thus
                          “Sul modo di fare la Carta Geologica del Regno d’Italia”   strongly contributing to the scientific growth of the Geo-
                          [About how to make the Geological Map of the Italian   logical  Survey itself.  His  activity mainly followed two
                          Kingdom].  The Royal Decree N°4113 issued on De-  tightly connected topics: the  geologic survey for the
                          cember 15 , 1867 founded the Geological Committee   realization of the Geological Map of Italy at 1:100.000
                          that  was charged with (Art. 2) “…la compilazione e   scale and  the collection and  identification of fossil  re-
                          pubblicazione della grande carta geologica  del Regno   mains derived by his sampling and excavations during
                          d’Italia, e di dirigere i lavori, raccogliere e conservare i   field surveys. His fossil collection represents the begin-
                          materiali e i documenti relativi” […the compilation and   ning of the paleontological collections of the Geological
                          publication of the great Geological Map of Italian King-  Survey of Italy  mantained at the Palaeontological Mu-
                          dom, the direction of the works, and the collection and   seum  of which A. Malatesta  was the first  Scientific
                          conservation of the relative materials and documents].   Coordinator.
                          It was with the Royal Decree N°1421 (ser. 2°) of June   Although the Authors of the present note are em-
                          15 , 1873, that the guide-lines for the compilation and   ployees of the Geological Survey of Italy, it has not been
                          publication of the Geological  Map  of Italy were  pub-   easy to reconstruct the career of A. Malatesta during the
                          lished, entrusted to a section of the Royal Corps of the   years he spent working in the same institution. In fact,
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