Page 17 - Maldonado_Stanley_1976
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14                                                 SMITHSONIAN  CONTRIBUTIONS  TO  THE  EARTH  SCIENCES

                          .tiGURE  9.-Neritic-bathyal  platform  (near  Skerki  Bank)  showing  topographic  high  (horst)
                          underlain  by basement  (B)  and  reduced,  deformed  Pliocene-Quaternary  (P-Q)  cover.  Accumu-
                          lation  of recent  sediment  is  noted  in  small  depression  (arrow  a).

              KS  125)  display  a  characteristic  lithological  uni-  reflectors  is  readily  apparent.  The  high-resolution
              formity.  No  prominent  sand  layers  are  recovered   3.5  kHz  profiles  show  that  faulting  has  occurred
              and only subtle structures  are revealed in  the  core   after  deposition  (Figure  7,  arrow  c).  In  some  lo-
              X-radiographs.  Bioturbation  structures  are  present   calities  tectonic  displacement  and  sedimentation
              throughout  the  cored  sedimentary  sequences.   rates  have  occurred  simultaneously,  resulting  in
                Although  the  cores  are  generally  structureless  it   the  development  of  pinch-out  (Figure  7,  arrow a)
              should be noted  that some laterally continuous re-  and  offlap  sequences  (Figure  8,  arrow  a).  The
              flectors  can be traced on the 3.5  kHz records;  these   youngest  faults  reveal  a  vertical  throw  of as  much
              reflectors  are  locally  displaced  vertically  by  faults.   as  50 meters  (Figure  7,  arrow c).
              The Iimited Iength of the cores has not allowed re-  Neritic-Bathyal  Depression  (Environment  5):
              covery  of sediment  sections  forming  some  of  these   There  are  numerous  depressions  on  the  border-
              major  subbottom  reflectors.  However,  their  latera!   land,  and  four  of  these  have  been  traversed:  the
              continuity  suggests  some  process  which  has  re-  gentle  Malta-Linosa depression,  a  low between  the
              sulted  in  their  regional  distribution;  this  mech-  Malta  Trough  and  the  Linosa  Trough  (km  365-
              anism is discussed later.                        470,  Figures  IO,  11),  and  three  smaller,  more
                The  importance  of  neotectonics  affecting  these   marked depressions, north of Adventure Bank  (km
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