Page 24 - Maldonado_Stanley_1976
P. 24

20                                                 SMITHSONIAN  CONTRIBUTIONS  TO  THE  EARTH  SCIENCES

                                                                Bizerte Canyon

                                                                                                          km  924

                          FIGURE  15.-Profiles  across  the  head  of  Bizerte  Canyon  showing  fault  displacement  (arrow  on
                          sparker  record)  and  unconsolidated  sediment  in  the  axis.  The  irregular  configuration  of  the
                          valley  fioor  (arrow,  3.5  kHz  profile)  suggests  slumping.

              nary  reef  and diapiric  structures  on  its  northwest   (Auzende  et  al.,  1974,  fig.  3).  Unconsolidated
              slope  (Zarudzki,  1972: 18).                     Pliocene-Quaternary sequences  are recorded  in  the
                CANYON  (Environment  10).-0ne major  subma-    canyon  head;  the  irregular surface  of  the  axis  (ar-
              rine valley,  the  Bizerte  Canyon,  has  been recorded   row on 3.5 kHz record) may be due to displacement
              in  our  records  on  the  northern  part  of  the  Strait   of the recent sediment fili.
               (Figure  15,  km  930-970).  This  canyon  extends   THE  STRAIT  N ARROWS  (Environment  Il).-The
              north-northeast  to  the  Tyrrhenian  . Basin  plain   narrowest  portion  of the Strait between  Sicily  and
               (Carter  et  al.,  1972),  and  cuts  deeply  into  the   Tunisia  presents  a  diverse  topography  including
              northeast  extension  of  the  Galite  Archipelago   shallow  banks,  intermediate  depth  basins,  and
               (broad  uplift environment  3).  The eastern wall  of   bathyal-neritic  environments.  Cores  in  this  region
              this canyon appears somewhat steeper.  The sparker   are distinctive  in that  they  include  a  high  propor-
              profile  (see arrow) shows possible fault offset under   tion  of  coarse  bioclastic  sand.  Core  KS  12  (956
              the  canyon  axis;  this  feature  may  be  related  with   meters)  in  the  deeper,  small,  enclosed  basin  (en-
              the  predominant  northeast-southwest  structural   vironment  6)  in  the  center  of  the  Strait  is  inter-
              trend  mapped  at  the  western  end  of  the  Strait   esting  in  this  respect.  The  prominent  coarse  sand
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