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NUMBER  16                                                                                   25
                which  includes  planktonic  foraminifera.        in  triangular plots  shown  in Figure  17.  In one  tri-
                  Organic  ooze  layers  are  usually  associateci  with   angle  (Figure  17 A 2 ),  the  end  points  represent  the
                sapropel.  These  two  sediment  types  are  composi-  inorganic  fraction  (components  IO  to  14),  plank-
                tionally  transitional.  However,  in  the  split  cores   tonic  foraminifera  (component 4)  and  the remain-
                the contact between the two is  very well  marked by   der  of  the  biogenic  fraction  (components  l  to  9,
                a  sharp  color  change:  organic  oozes  are  pale  olive   except  component 4).
                 (IO  Y 6/2-5 Y 5/2),  while sapropels  are dark gray-  The end members  of  the  other  triangle  (Figure
                olive  (5  Y 3/2-5 Y 2j1).  This contact is  also  noted   17 A 1 )  represent  the  percent  of  total  sand  fraction
                on  X-radiographs.  A  type  of  sediment  that  resem-  in  the  bulk  sample,  the  total  biogenic  fraction  in
                bles  organic  ooze  is  present  in  the  Linosa  Trough   the  sand  fraction,  and  the  total  planktonic  fora-
                and  perhaps  also  in  the  Malta  and  Pantelleria   minifera  fraction  in  the  sand fraction;  ali  of  these
                troughs;  this  type  also  displays  some  petrological   are recalculated to I 00%. In this representation any
                affinities  with  the  hemipelagic  mud  type.   component could actually be as high as 100%; how-
                  A  third  type  of  sediment,  protosapropel,  is  as-  ever,  the  total  planktonic foraminifera  is  equal  to,
                sociateci  with  this  group.  While  genetically  and   or  lower  than,  the  total  biogenic  fraction.  In  this
                lithologically related,  the  protosapropel is  not con-  type  of  representation  all  of  the  samples  plotted
                sidered a  true sapropel  because  it does  not display   are  concentrateci  on  the  left  half  of  the  triangle.
                the  typical  lamination of the  sapropel  and may  be   The different lines on the triangle mark the bound-
                bioturbated  to some  extent  (Maldonado and Stan-  aries  of  different  components.
                ley,  1975).                                       Core samples  have  been  assigned  a  letter symbol
                                                                 on  Table  3  and  in  Figure  17;  the  numbers  associ-
                                                                 ateci  with  the  letter  key  (Table  3)  identify  their
                          Sand Fraction Composition
                                                                 depth  (in  centimeters)  from  the  top  of  the  core.
                                  GENERA L
                                                                         CoARSE  CALCAREous  SAND  TYPE
                  The  fraction  larger  than  63  microns  was  col-
                lected  from  ali  samples  by  wet  sieving  after  re-  The  samples  selected  for  this  study  are  of  the
                moval  of  the  organic  matter  with  hydrogen  per-  shelly  bioclastic  sand  type  as  defined  in  the  pre-
                oxide.  The identification of grains was  made using   vious  section.  The modern,  relict,  or residual  frac-
                a  binocular  microscope,  and  relative  frequencies   tions generally can be distinguished on the basis of
                were determined by counting 300  to 400  grains per   abrasion  and  preservation  of  the  skeletal  material.
                sample.  The grain  counts  were  made  by  unit  area   Modern  biogenic  components  do  not  show  signifi-
                measurements  as  opposed  to  point  counting.  The   cant  evidence  of  transport,  although  tests  may  be
                following  parameters  were  determined:  pteropods   broken.  Relict  and residua!  calcareous  components
                (l);  molluscs  (2)  consisting  largely  of  gastropods   are  composed of organic remains  deposited  during
               and  pelecypods;  shell  fragments  (3);  planktonic   the  Pleistocene  and  early  Holocene  (see  core  AS
               foraminiferida  (4);  benthonic  foraminifera  (5);   6-8,  Figure  34),  or  reworked  from  older  deposits;
               ostracoda  (6);  bryozoa  (7);  other  invertebrates   these  bioclastic  particles  are  characterized  by  an
                (8);  pian t  debris  (9);  heavy  minerals  (l 0),  in-  iron  oxide  stain  and  the  rounded,  worn  shape  of
               cluding opaque and some characteristic nonopaque   the  grain  edges.  In  the  Strait  of  Sicily  the  sand
               minerals;  mica  (Il);  pyrite  and strongly pyritized   fraction  of relict  sediments  also  is  characterized by
               tests  and  burrows  (12);  light  minerals  (13),  in-  a  relatively high feldspathic content  (Blanc,  1958);
               cludìng carbonates and gypsum;  and ash  (14).  The   the  modern  biogenic  sediment  is  generally  associ-
               components  l  to  9  represent  the  biogenic  fraction   ateci with a  low feldspar content.
               w h ile  l O t o  14  are grouped as  in organi c  fraction.   Other  organic  components  of  the  calcareous
                 The results of these counts are listed in Table 3,   sand  type  are  bryozoa,  echinoderma,  calcareous
               and  the  different  components  have  been  grouped   algae,  crustacean  fragments,  and  plant  debris.  Py-
                                                                rite is  not very  common, and where present is  usu-
                  "Pyrite"  as  used  bere  is  applied  to  various  possible  fer-  ally  oxidÌzed,  particularly  in  relict  and  residua!
               rous sulfide  types.                             sands.  Glauconite is  more abundant.  Gypsum  frag-
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